On February 8, six Red Cross workers were killed when their convoy came under fire in Afghanistan. When humanitarians are a target, it's the locals - in desperate...
Sitting down at work all day may not be so bad for you after all, writes Emmanuel Stamatakis.

What causes mass whale strandings?

Why do these creatures, which are masters of living in a totally aquatic environment, enter an inhospitable land environment where inevitably some, if not all,...
The Feed
The Feed producer Will Reid is a 75kg Aussie lad who - thanks to a love of the sport - became a sumo. He takes us through his very, very interesting journey.
Whether it be due to hubris, courage or vanity, South Australian senator Cory Bernardi has decided to forsake the Liberal Party under whose auspices his political...
Niceness is a topic that tends to fundamentally divide people. Should you put yourself first, stand up for yourself and get back at people who’ve wronged you or...
If you think back to your childhood, what sticks with you? For many people, it’s those cosy times when they were cuddled up with a parent or grandparent, being...
How do we get more girls to seriously consider pursuing careers in STEM subjects?
Donald Trump’s immigration ban is straight out of the Australian playbook for treating asylum seekers - but it’s within our power to close that book, writes Ann...
Executive orders have the power to be socially transformative in US politics.
When he turns 27, Chris Wallace will be too old to work at Oaktree, a youth movement to end poverty. But he sees it as a real positive - it creates space for the...
Trump has an affinity for speaking mistruths with little consideration for their factual accuracy, writes Lauren Griffin.
We should spend Australia Day reflecting on our past and our future, to ensure the day is inclusive of all Australians – even if this means talking about our...

Comment: What is Australian food?

With Australia Day and Lunar New Year serving up celebrations just days apart, foodie Thang Ngo asks: what is Australian cuisine exactly?
"A version of Australian history where each new group that arrives in Australia simply 'joins the party' is simply something I just can't swallow."

Editor's Choice

Our pick of the best content from SBS News & Current Affairs and our content partners.

The residents of Tingha, a tiny town in regional New South Wales, are hoping a boxing program for disaffected youth will curb rising crime rates.
A study of sex trafficking in Las Vegas has found that behind the glitz and glamour of sin city that sex-trafficking of underage girls is rife.
Leaders in the NSW regional town of Armidale say the government has missed an opportunity for the development of their community after its application to be a...
Firebrand Dutch anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders launched his election campaign Saturday with a stinging attack on the country's Moroccan population, calling some ...
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Former Australia lock Dan Vickerman died at home in Sydney on Saturday night, the Australian Rugby Union (ARU) said on Sunday. He was 37.
Sunday marks the 75th anniversary of the Japanese bombing of Darwin, and evacuee Wendy James remembers fleeing at age six before war came to Australian soil.
As the federal government releases figures showing an increase in childhood immunisation rates, a paediatrician believes the 'No Jab, No Pay' policy targets the...