State of Control

The Dog-Whistle Racism of the Neoliberal State

With the rise of neoliberalism, the state — and especially the police — has developed new, more subtle articulations of racism while entrenching existing racial inequalities.

Commons & Cooperation

Reason, creativity and freedom: the communalist model

Humanity stands at a crossroads. Now, more than ever, history calls for a grassroots democracy at a global scale. If we look carefully, all the tools are at hand.

Capitalism & Crisis

The Irish water insurgency: no more blood from these stones

After the government tried to privatize and raise the costs of water, the Irish drew a line: “they are not going to draw any more blood from those stones.”

Culture & Critique

Amilcar Cabral’s revolutionary anti-colonialist ideas

The writings of revolutionary leader Amilcar Cabral provide key insights on the importance of culture in the contemporary struggle against neoliberalism.

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