Matt Glassman


Dad, teacher, nerd. Too academic for politics, too political for academics. Bridge player. Rugby lover. Views 100% my own.

Vienna, VA
Beigetreten Februar 2009


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    1. Aug. 2016

    Is this The Stupidest Week Ever In American Politics™?

  2. vor 6 Stunden
  3. vor 7 Stunden
    Antwort an

    But the idea Trump is going to somehow master DC and turn this around into a powerful presidency seems like a dimmer idea by the day. /10

  4. vor 7 Stunden
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    Of course the powers of the presidency are vast, so even the weakest of presidents has many tools to influence public life. 9/

  5. vor 7 Stunden
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    It's true his party hasn't thrown him overboard. But that's cold comfort in a job that needs *positive* help, not just minimal tolerance. 8/

  6. vor 7 Stunden
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    And no sense he's buliding any legitimacy. He's reduced to almost the bare bones formal powers of the office. 7/

  7. vor 7 Stunden
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    And he's reaping the Neustadt-predicted results: no legislative successes. No one scared to challenge him. No one eager to back him. 6/

  8. vor 7 Stunden
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    His skill set seems totally wrong for the job. He's surrounded himself with amateurs. 5/

  9. vor 7 Stunden
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    His public prestige is the worst in the poling age. 4/

  10. vor 7 Stunden
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    His professional reputation is zero. No elected POTUS has had so little party support out of gate. Only Tyler and Johnson compare. 3/

  11. vor 7 Stunden
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    Everyone sees the proto-authoritarian, which obviously is one reading of the facts. But the other is a POTUS barely holding it together. 2/

  12. vor 7 Stunden

    I continue to believe Neustadt analysis of Trump is correct one: this is a weak POTUS in serious danger of a complete failed presidency. 1/

  13. vor 10 Stunden

    I can't find where said it, but key point is not all crimes merit impeachment, and plenty of non-crimes do. Legal standards = meh.

  14. vor 10 Stunden
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    But I don't think system is broken. Trump is testing the institutions, and despite your impatience, IMO institutions are winning. /FIN

  15. vor 10 Stunden
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    So my guess? POTUS muddles through to the 2018 election, no sweat. We’ll have more signals then. 25/

  16. vor 10 Stunden
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    And honestly, unless crimes are truly treasonous or dangerous to national security, I don't really want those Members playing trustee. 25/

  17. vor 10 Stunden
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    And any Member from a district that approves of trump 60% right now is thinking politically too. 24/

  18. vor 10 Stunden
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    So by all means make a legal case. But remember you’re really making a political one. 23/

  19. vor 10 Stunden
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    But, again, this is politics. The legal standard only matters to the degree it affects public opinion or congressional opinion. 22/

  20. vor 10 Stunden
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    And proof of a true policy drag take a long time. And conspiracy theories aside, Trump FP looks more terrible than sinister. 21/

  21. vor 10 Stunden
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    Until public opinion moves another 10 points against Trump---into Bush Katrina territory---the electoral fate looks bad but murky. 20/

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