

Americans take an anxious journey to the centre of Donald Trump's mind

Washington: Flip references by reporters – mine included – to Donald Trump not taking his meds have been criticised as offensive to the mentally ill. But Trump's unhinged behaviour, as in his erratic press conference on Thursday, ensures that the President's mental state is the stuff of debate.

Rick Wilson, a Republican Party strategist and Trump critic, saw the Thursday press conference as a turning point – instead of a divide between left and right, the split he sees in America is between those who saw the spectacle as a "success" and those who are "terrified" for the future of the country.

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Trump cites non-existent Swedish terror attack

US President Donald Trump tries to link Sweden's generous refugee intake with a non-existent terror attack, prompting a social media backlash and the question, what has Trump been smoking?

"[His press conference] could have been evidence in a mental competency hearing," he told The Washington Post. "It was really pretty disturbing and terrifying to watch this guy and think: 'What happens when the stakes are higher?'"

On Saturday, The New York Times' conservative columnist David Brooks wrote in similar language about the press conference: "President Trump's mental state is like a train that long ago left freewheeling and iconoclastic, has raced through indulgent, chaotic and unnerving, and is now careening past unhinged, unmoored and unglued."

It's not just the commentariat in the "fake press", on which Trump has upped the ante, denouncing them as "the enemy of the American people". Mental health professionals are weighing in.

In a letter to the editor of The New York Times last week, 35 psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers acknowledged they were in breach of professional rules against evaluating public figures, but to remain silent, they wrote, denied journalists and members of Congress the value of their expertise at this critical time.


Here's their diagnosis: "Mr. Trump's speech and actions demonstrate an inability to tolerate views different from his own, leading to rage reactions. His words and behaviour suggest a profound inability to empathise. Individuals with these traits distort reality to suit their psychological state, attacking facts and those who convey them (journalists, scientists).

"In a powerful leader, these attacks are likely to increase, as his personal myth of greatness appears to be confirmed. We believe that the grave emotional instability indicated by Mr Trump's speech and actions makes him incapable of serving safely as president."

Their letter prompted another, from Dr Allen Frances, professor emeritus of psychiatry and behavioural sciences at Duke University Medical College, who happens to be the expert psychiatrist who defined narcissistic personality disorder.

He rebuked the authors, arguing that to claim that Trump is mentally ill is an insult to those who truly are. But he also had this to say - Trump may be a "world-class narcissist".

But the debate has taken off.  Another psychologist weighed in last month, telling US News and World Report that Trump displays a malignant narcissism, characterised by grandiosity, sadism and anti-social behaviour.

Trump biographer Michael D'Antonio observes: "He lives inside his head, where he runs the same continuous loop of conflict with people he turns into enemies for the purposes of his psychodrama."

The press conference was Trump unleashed. As though he couldn't help himself, he seized the lectern at the end of a first chaotic month that had prompted this assessment from General Tony Thomas, head of the military's Special Operations Command: "Our government continues to be in unbelievable turmoil. I hope they sort it out soon, because we're a nation at war."

In casting aside the usual filters and talking heads such as Sean Spicer and Kellyanne Conway, Trump signalled an attempted reset. After weeks of leaks, he is determined to rewrite the agenda – he was doing it again at a Boeing factory in South Carolina on Friday and at a campaign-style rally in Florida on Saturday.

Instead of being confronted by pesky, fake journalists, Trump was hungry for the adoring fans who turned out to both events, described by presidential historian Timothy Naftali as "an attempt to inject some adrenaline into his administration and shake a perception of loserdom".

At the Florida bash, Trump basked in the glow of a 9000-strong crowd, forgetting his plummeting polls as he re-ran a string of well-worn campaign promises and whacked the media again before reaching his crescendo.

After serial exaggerations and misrepresentations of all that his administration has achieved, or not, he declared: "It's a new day in America - this will be change for the ages, change like never before."

But back in the real world, White House deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was probably earning a presidential rebuke by acknowledging Trump's frustration with media reporting, as she explained the Florida gig was likely to be the first to put Trump out front more often.

"There's definitely frustration that the media makes up stories and reports things that aren't true," she told the Post. The Florida rally, she said, was an attempt "for the President to speak directly to the American people and not have his message filtered through a biased media."

At the end of last week, one of the few generous assessments of Trump as President was this from his ally and former House speaker Newt Gingrich: "All new presidents go through a series of resets because the initial transition from campaign to governing is to enormous and complex ... Trump's challenge is compounded because he is a genuine outsider trying to build a new system."

But it's seemingly impossible for Trump to get out from under the weight of bad news.

As he basked in the limelight at Boeing on Friday, Associated Press dropped an exclusive – an internal administration document outlining a plan for the National Guard to be drafted to round up undocumented migrants. Despite its conformity with all that Trump said in the election campaign, the White House claimed it had been discarded.

Also on Friday, Trump hit a new low in opinion polls – confirming his standing as the least popular new president in American history, Gallup found that just 38 per cent of Americans approve his performance, against 56 per cent who disapprove.

Amidst a constant sense of crisis, two emerging patterns work against Trump – the Republican establishment figures who might save his administration are increasingly reluctant to work for him and he is being hemmed in by the checks and balances of the American democratic process.

Also working against him is the toxic brew he has concocted in the White House – factions divided by ideology and new hires defeated by their youth and inexperience.

After the debacle of appointing a national security adviser who proved incapable of surviving in the job for a month, Trump is desperately seeking for a replacement.

His first pick as a replacement said thanks, but no thanks. And Republican favourites like David Petraeus, the retired general and former CIA director, and Stephen Hadley, a former national security adviser, saved Trump from further embarrassment by saying they wouldn't take the job if it was offered to them.

Trump and those around him are paranoid about loyalty. In the last week, the State Department sacked six senior career staffers who were deemed suspect. And faction wars continue with gusto.

The appointment of veteran Republican media strategist Mike Dubke as the new White House communications director is the latest flashpoint, with Trump loyalists mewling about Dubke's GOP establishment credentials.

"How does this help serve the President's interests?" a Trump insider complained. "It serves the interests of Reince [Priebus] and Sean [Spicer, both  seen as party establishment figures], but I don't see how it serves the President's interests."

The checks and balances that Trump mocks are surprisingly effective.

Despite his policy adviser Stephen Miller claiming "the powers of the President to protect our country . . . will not be questioned" or that "there's no such thing as judicial supremacy", Trump has been hogtied by the courts on his migration crackdown – and despite all his ranting at "disgraceful" judges and their "political" decisions, he has acknowledged that he is bound by their rulings.

The media are hanging in too. Despite Trump's relentless mockery, they are digging and coming up with the goods – aided by a stream of leaks that shows no sign of abating.

Voters and Congress are starting to hold up their end, too.

That his poll numbers are falling off a cliff will eat at Trump, and after initially signalling a Faustian deal, by which Republicans in Congress were prepared to let Trump dance and prance as he pleased just as long as he signed off on their legislation, they are now showing a bit of spine – referring the whole Russia nonsense to congressional investigations. Senator John McCain has marked himself down as the leader of the opposition, using his speech to the Munich Security Conference in Germany in the weekend to shred the Trump worldview.

Looking at the divide in America, the Times' Brooks concludes that Republicans are still not close to abandoning Trump – even if "when will they impeach" is the question asked in diners and barrooms up and down the country.

Predicting a limping administration that likely will hang on despite its moral and political collapse, he sketches the coming years: "It means an administration that is passive, full of sound and fury but signifying nothing.

"To get anything done, a President depends on the vast machinery of the US government. But Trump doesn't mesh with that machinery. He is personality-based while it is rule-based. Furthermore, he's declared war on it.

"And when you declare war on the establishment, it declares war on you."