What’s the best 18th birthday present for our grandson?

We’d prefer not to give money, but don’t really know what kids today would like
BILL BROWN for MONEY 170225 IMHO gift
Illustration: Bill Brown

What’s the best 18th birthday present for our grandson?

We’d prefer not to give money, but don’t really know what kids today would like

Every week a Guardian Money reader submits a question, and it’s up to you to help him or her out – a selection of the best answers will appear in next Saturday’s paper.

This week’s question:

What is a suitable gift for our grandson on his 18th birthday? We’d prefer something tangible rather than money (we gave traditional silver items at his christening). What do readers remember as their best 18th present? What do today’s 18-year-olds most want?

Do you have a problem readers could solve? Email your suggestions to money@theguardian.com or write to us at Money, The Guardian, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU.