
<b>1. Heroin Bike</b><br>
A unique ‘honeycomb’ skin has been applied to sections of the frame most exposed to air resistance.

Fitness Gadgets

The world's slipperiest bikes

This may be the world's sexiest bike. It's certainly one of the most aerodynamic.

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  • This article contains a photo gallery
<b>Night Runner Shoe Lights - US$60</b><br>
These simple yet innovative shoe lights clip onto any running shoes, ...

Fitness Gadgets

15 cutting-edge fitness gadgets

Who can resist a new piece of technology that helps you get fitter?

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  • This article contains a photo gallery
Cycling is great for exercise and saving the planet. But then there's the weather, and the Lycra.


The pros and cons of cycling

For: It's better for the planet. Against: You might decide to wear Lycra.

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  • This article contains a video