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The Australian
Australia's leading multi-platform news brand
Australia's leading multi-platform news brand

The Australian's posts

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Want to improve your wellbeing? Quit social media, join a club, listen to music... The paths to happiness are many.

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They're on the front line of tragedy. How do train drivers deal with the horrors they witness every week?

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Turtle Island, at the southern end of the Great Barrier Reef off Gladstone, will be showcased in China from this week.

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Something rotten is happening at our Muslim schools.

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Lilydale chicken faces customer backlash over use of genetically modified feed. 

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‘He told me the meanest guys were those who looked past him and arranged their play to exclude others.’

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Researchers say a popular dietary supplement is converted by the body into a cancer-causing chemical.

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For most women, motherhood is what we are born for. But not every child is healthy.

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