A restaurant is offering discounts to patrons with well-behaved children

Should parents be rewarded for their kids' good behaviour?
Should parents be rewarded for their kids' good behaviour? Photo: Getty Images

A restaurant owner in Italy fed-up with unruly children has come up with a creative idea to help curb bad behaviour - he's giving patrons with well-behaved kids a five per cent discount on their bill.

Antonio Ferrari, owner of the restaurant, Padua, in Northern Italy, told The Local that the unique approach is his way of showing customers, "we like having children here - as long as they behave".

"When you get parents who are rude, the kids think they can do anything," the 40-year-old said. "They might climb on the tables with their shoes on, play in the bathroom and make a mess with the taps, or annoy the other customers."

Describing that the restaurant is essentially a "winery," Ferrari added, "We don't have a children's menu or any other special provisions, but on Sundays, parents often come and bring their children."

Last week, a table of six adults and five children received the first of Ferrari's discounts after he was impressed with the children's behaviour. The kids, aged between four and six worked on times-tables and used colouring-in books while their parents finished their meal. Ferrari has since discounted meals for two other patrons with well-behaved youngsters.

"In Italy, we have a problem that people often feel judged, so I didn't want to say anything - even positive - that might be seen as judging someone's children or parenting," said Ferrari. "I'd definitely offer the discount again, but I don't want to make it an official promotion or offer because that's not the point."
