
Jockeying for control of Hunter Hall intensifies

The jockeying for control of fund management company Hunter Hall is entering the final stretch with one of the bidders raising its bid for the company for the third time – but only until Monday evening and only if it snares the founder's remaining stake.

Since the founder of the company, Peter Hall, decided in late December to quit the company and sell his controlling 44 per cent shareholding, three bidders have emerged seeking the balance of his shareholding after he sold an initial tranche for just $1 a share when the shares were fetching more than $3.20 on the sharemarket.

That initial block of 19.9 per cent was sold to Washington H Soul Pattinson and Co which launched a full bid for the company, offering all shareholders the opportunity to sell at the same price – a price which Mr Hall himself said shareholders would be silly to accept.

Since then, a rival fund management outfit, Pinnacle Investment, has emerged seeking Mr Hall's remaining 24 per cent shareholding with another investor, the listed John Bridgeman, also throwing its hat into the ring.

Listed investment company John Bridgeman has also instructed its broker to pay the market price in a bid to raise to 20 per cent from 5.8 per cent its stake in Hunter Hall for shares bought through the sharemarket, as it tries to entice a block of shares from Mr Hall.

On Friday, Soul Pattinson raised to $2.20 its offer for Hunter Hall – in line with the latest price offered by Pinnacle – but with the proviso the higher price is only on offer for shares offered by 7pm Monday and is also contingent on it raising to 44 per cent its stake in Hunter Hall which can realistically only be achieved quickly by Mr Hall choosing to accept.

Soul Pattinson has also emerged with a large stake in Hunter Hall's listed investment company, Hunter Hall Global Value, which is the subject of a push to spill directors from investment companies linked with fund manager Geoff Wilson.

Mr Hall could not be contacted to comment. He decided to quit the company he founded following a poor investment performance when he was wrong-footed by the election of Donald Trump as US President in November.

Hunter Hall shares last traded at $2.52, hurt by the group's recent poor investment performance.