Boot Camp

Michael Jarosky

Passion for lifestyle change is the cornerstone for everything Michael Jarosky does. A Sydney-based personal trainer, he cajoled thousands of Executive Style readers to undertake his ‘Cut The BS’ diet, and champions an annual charity weight-loss event, Droptober.


Boot Camp

Let us exercise when and where we want

Criticism of outdoor group training ignores the bigger picture of what we're trying to achieve - a healthier, happier population.

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  • This article contains a video

Boot Camp

Athletes cheat. Do you?

The once-fuzzy line between gaining a performance advantage and cheating is coming into sharp focus.

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Boot camp

Six reasons to quit the gym

If your new year's resolution is looking shaky, maybe it's time to ditch the gym and head outdoors.

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The 12 tips of fitness

A few sensible guidelines can help you to enjoy this festive season without ending up looking like Santa.

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