Boot Camp

Michael Jarosky

Passion for lifestyle change is the cornerstone for everything Michael Jarosky does. A Sydney-based personal trainer, he cajoled thousands of Executive Style readers to undertake his ‘Cut The BS’ diet, and champions an annual charity weight-loss event, Droptober.

Photographer  John Foxx

Boot camp

Are you man enough?

Every man should have some physical ability and a basic level of fitness. Can you pass this 10-step test to see if you qualify?

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Belly fat.

Boot camp

Fat tax - fat chance?

A 'fat tax' won't hide the fact that ultimately, the overweight must take responsibility for their health.

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Boot Camp

Fat Tax. Time to weigh in on a decision?

Australians are incredible athletes. Aussies carve waves on surfboards and win gold in the pool with the best of ‘em. Australians are tanned, fit, good looking, and the envy of the rest of the world. So why is Australia so overweight?

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silly season

Boot Camp

Season to be silly?

It may seem like a contradiction in terms, but 'what's the healthiest alcoholic drink I can order?' is something I am asked with increasing regularity.

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Getting big is big business.

Boot Camp

Steroids not the only gear in town

Supplement sellers are telling us we don't need roids to get ripped, bulked, and massive - now exercise equipment manufacturers are getting in the on the act.

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Fat to fit

Battle of the belly

The Hollywood message is that the big guy can still get the hot girl, but is it really okay for us guys to be fat?

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Boot Camp

Bust through your plateau

Hitting your training plateau is like bumping into that glass ceiling at work. Here's how to break through it.

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Boot Camp

Train like an Olympian

Here are three ways to add intensity and attitude, and even some altitude into your workout mix:

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Boot Camp

The toughest Olympians

Are all events created equal in terms of their physical demands or are some Olympic sports tougher than others?

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