'I'm only worried he's going to give me a kiss': POTUS creates security panic by calling his number one fan up on stage to give speech... but was it all just Trump theatrics?

  • President Trump sent Secret Service into a panic during his rally on Saturday 
  • In a 'surprise' move he invited a super-fan on stage to give a brief speech
  • Trump said he only worried that Gene Huber, of Boynton Beach, Florida might 'give him a kiss'  
  • Some speculate it may have been pre-planned as the supporter posted online

In another seemingly impromptu defiance of security measures, President Trump created a frenzy by inviting an uber-fan on stage during his rally in Florida on Saturday.

Over the microphone, Trump goaded the agents by saying he was only worried that Gene Huber of Boynton Beach, Florida would give him 'a kiss'.

Huber was then warmly welcomed to the stage by the president, who non-nonchalantly commented that the Secret Service likely wasn't 'thrilled'.

In another seemingly impromptu defiance of security measures, President Trump created a security frenzy by inviting an uber-fan on stage during his rally in Florida on Saturday

In another seemingly impromptu defiance of security measures, President Trump created a security frenzy by inviting an uber-fan on stage during his rally in Florida on Saturday

Huber was then warmly welcomed to the stage by the president, who non-nonchalantly commented that the Secret Service likely wasn't 'thrilled'

Huber was then warmly welcomed to the stage by the president, who non-nonchalantly commented that the Secret Service likely wasn't 'thrilled'

For Trump, it was another impulsive risky move that has become expected during his presidency, after dodging the press pool on more than one occasion.

Some speculate that the invite was pre-planned, as Huber made comments online that he'd spoken with the President previously and told followers on Facebook to look for him on the news.

He even posted a photo on February 14 saying that he was receiving a phone call from Trump, who must have known how much he 'supported him every second'. 

Huber boasts online of his six-foot cardboard cutout of Trump in his home, which he told reporters he salutes every morning, and prays for the President's safety. 

Some speculate that the move was pre-planned, as Huber made comments online that he'd spoken with the President previously and told followers on Facebook to look for him on the news

Some speculate that the move was pre-planned, as Huber made comments online that he'd spoken with the President previously and told followers on Facebook to look for him on the news

Some speculate that the move was pre-planned, as Huber made comments online that he'd spoken with the President previously and told followers on Facebook to look for him on the news
Huber boasts online of his six-foot cardboard cutout of Trump in his home, which he told reporters he salutes every morning, and prays for the President's safety

Huber boasts online of his six-foot cardboard cutout of Trump in his home, which he told reporters he salutes every morning, and prays for the President's safety

At the rally, Huber posted a video in which he chanted: 'CNN sucks!'

He was later interviewed by CNN, and told the reporter to 'be nicer to the president' who he claims 'taught him everything'. 

He was later interviewed by CNN, and told the reporter to 'be nicer to the president' who he claims 'taught him everything'

He was later interviewed by CNN, and told the reporter to 'be nicer to the president' who he claims 'taught him everything'

Huber continued in his interview: 'It was a moment of my life I will never ever forget what just happened to me.

'I've been with Mr President Trump for over two years, fighting battles in and out, in and out of lies and terrible things always said about him, but we stuck together and it's just an amazing feeling where I'm at right now.' 

Trump embraced his super-fan to a cheering crowd and appeared to whisper something in Huber's ear. 

Huber told CNN that Trump whispered: "You're great" if i'm not mistaken is what he told me.

'Mr Trump must've seen me on TV - I told the reporter that I love President Trump and President Trump heard me say that, and he told me that on stage, he goes, he said that he loves me.'

He continued: 'And I do with all my heart, because he fights for us every second, and he doesn't have to do this for us.

'You know, he's 70 years old, he's a billionaire, he has a beautiful family, and this man comes out and works harder than anyone I've ever seen in my life, and that's why he's a winner.' 

He finished, saying: 'There's no words to describe what he's doing. He promised to do this. He promised to do that.' 

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