
Full Page  374mm (h) x 260mm (w)

Full Page

 374mm (h) x 260mm (w)

Double Page Spread 374mm (h) x 540mm (w)

Double Page Spread

374mm (h) x 540mm (w)

Half Page 184mm (h) x 260mm (w)

Half Page

184mm (h) x 260mm (w)

Quarter Page 92mm (h) x 260mm (w)

Quarter Page

92mm (h) x 260mm (w)

Mini Strip 45mm (h) x 260mm (w)

Mini Strip

45mm (h) x 260mm (w)


  • Supplied material must be Press Ready PDFs.
  • All PDFs must be CMYK with no bleed and no trim marks. 
  • No alterations will be made to supplied PDFs and, if required, new creative material will need to be supplied. 
  • All fonts must be embedded into PDFs.

CMYK Setup

  • Resolution - 300 DPI
  • Maximum Ink Weight - 230% 
  • Dot Gain - 30% 

Adstream/Adsend Details

  • Publisher: Schwartz Media
  • Publication: The Saturday Paper
  • Location: Main
  • Booking Reference: Provided Upon Booking


Ad Unit Dimensions File Type Max File Size Lead Time
Full Page 768px (w) x 1024 (h) gif, jpeg, html5 200kb 3 Days
Half Page 768px (w) x 465px (h) gif, jpeg, html5 100kb 3 Days


Ad Unit Dimensions File Type Max File Size Lead Time
Billboard 970px (w) x 250px (h) gif, jpeg, html5, third party 100kb 3 Days
Half Page 300px (w) x 600px (h) gif, jpeg, html5, third party 60kb 3 Days
Leaderboard 728px (w) x 90px (h) gif, jpeg, html5, third party 40kb 3 Days
Mobile Leaderboard 320px (w) x 50px (h) gif, jpeg, html5 15kb 3 Days
MREC 300px (w) x 250px (h) gif, jpeg, html5, third party 40kb 3 Days

We do not accept Adobe Flash creatives. Please provide HTML5 code package instead. All ad served code packages strictly require the https protocol.


Ad Unit Dimensions File Type Max File Size Lead Time
MREC 300px (w) x 250px (h) gif, jpeg 40kb 3 Days


  • Print material must be delivered via Quick Cut or Adsend.
  • Please deliver creative material with booking reference.
  • All digital material can be sent directly to Suzannah Ahearn, Advertising Coordinator, on