News & Politics

Report: Michael Flynn's Replacement Turned Down the Job After Watching Trump's 'Unhinged' Press Conference

Robert Harward had been personally tapped by the president.

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The man President Donald Trump picked to replace outgoing National Security Adviser Mike Flynn decided not to take the job after watching Trump’s disastrous Thursday press conference, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes is reporting.

Vice Adm. Robert Harward had been personally tapped by the president to replace Flynn who resigned after it was revealed that he had lied to Vice President Mike Pence that he had discussed sanctions imposed by President Barack Obama with the Russian ambassador.

According to Hayes, Harwood was already battling with the Trump administration on how he would run his department, with members of Trump’s team saying he wouldn’t be allowed to install his own staff.

The final straw for Harwood was Trump’s press conference that was universally derided by liberals and conservatives alike, with multiple commentators calling it “unhinged.”

Harwood had already sent a letter to the White House Thursday morning declining the job but had agreed to meet with the president and talk about it. Following Trump’s afternoon press conference Harwood pulled himself out of contention completely.

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