Daily Life

Julia Morris: I thought my anger issues were hormonal – but I was just overdoing it

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To the outside world, comedian turned actor Julia Morris appeared to be living her dream. It was early 2016, some 20 years after she first became a household name in '90s hits like Full Frontal and Beauty and the Beast, and her career was enjoying a remarkable renaissance. Morris was starring in top-rating shows on two rival TV networks – as the wise-cracking co-host of I'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here! on Ten, and the much-loved Gemma on Nine's drama House Husbands. 

Life appeared good on the home front, too. She was happily married to her best friend, Welsh comedian Dan Thomas, with whom she had two lovely daughters, Ruby and Sophie. And at 47, she was in pretty good health, save for the melanomas she keeps having removed, a legacy of teenage years spent on the beaches of the NSW Central Coast. 

But Morris was in private hell. Every day, she was consumed by fury. "It turned me inside out," she says, her voice quavering and trademark broad grin disappearing at the memory. "I actually thought I was going mad, because I'd make a conscious effort in the mornings to say to myself, 'I'm not going to feel like that today', and by 11 o'clock I'm gonna f…ing kill 'em!" She growls these last words and then cackles wickedly.

Completely at odds with Morris's laugh-a-minute public persona, this inner turmoil became so bad it forced her to embark on a journey of self-discovery that took up most of last year. 

Having spent the noughties chasing fame in the UK and US with varying degrees of success, only to properly find it when she returned home, Morris knew she should have been on cloud nine. Instead, her mood swings had been steadily worsening for four years. Whether it was the school mum parking halfway across her driveway in Melbourne or the luxury Byron hotel "requesting" that guests take their towels to the laundry themselves, anything and everything would trigger roiling anger in the woman nicknamed Lady J-Mo.

Despite her best efforts to stay Zen, there were times she did "take it nuclear". For a woman who sells "happy" for a living and has been a chronic people-pleaser all her life, the behaviour was inexplicable. Morris decided it had to be menopause.


"Dear Lord!" She pauses dramatically. "What is completely amazing to me is that you get to an age where you're probably not feeling your sexiest, and you turn into the most vile version of yourself ... I was sick of being angry all the time."

It didn't help that, in her determination not to squander a second chance at fame, Morris was completely overworked. In addition to House Husbands and I'm a Celebrity, she had co-hosted Australia's Got Talent, appeared on family-tree doco Who Do You Think You Are? and performed two live shows, No Judgement and I Don't Want Your Honest Feedback. As she notes, "One thing about living the dream is there is no time off the dream. It's 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and if you stop investing that much time and effort, the dream will disappear." 

To balance out time spent away from her family, Morris would whisk them all off on holiday when she returned home. "I thought that if we're all swimming in a pool somewhere, we're all happy," she says. "Not only was work incredibly intense but then we would all fly somewhere. Every waking hour of every day was filled with work or high-pressure fun." Meanwhile, the family was still coming to terms with Thomas's breast cancer diagnosis in 2012 and subsequent mastectomy.

Morris's professionalism is such that she thinks few people, apart from her husband, realised she was imploding from the pressure of trying to contain her rage. "I'm sure there would have been moments in Africa when [I'm a Celebrity co-star] Dr Chris would have thought, 'Ooh dear Lord'," she concedes, "but they would have been pretty rare."

But by this time last year, Morris was close to breaking point. From deep in the steamy African jungle, where she was filming I'm a Celebrity, she made an SOS call to a good friend. "I think I'm going mad," she blurted out. "I think I'm having some mental health problems and I don't really understand why."

It was a critical turning point. On the other end of the line, Morris's friend suggested she see a therapist to talk things through. But Morris has never been one for introspection – "Being self-employed for most of my life, there hasn't been any real time to take stock," she says – and her default response was, "Oh, I think I'm all right."

"I just thought that there's no way talking to someone is going to stop me feeling like this," she recalls. Yet she agreed to give it a go, and sought out a psychologist when she returned from Africa. To her surprise, in 10 sessions she was taught how to control the "fury ball" which would rise up, unbidden, from her stomach. She learnt to keep things in perspective and refrain from buying into gossip.

She's since worked hard to rein in her people-pleasing, diverting that time and energy back into her family. Crucially, she now chooses to focus only on helpful thoughts, rather than the unhelpful ones which were clouding her mind. 

"Something that I've only really come to know, maybe in the last five years, is accepting who you are – not everybody likes you and that's okay," she explains. "And you don't have to help every single person who crosses your path." 

There's no sign of the wrathful Morris as we talk in this Surry Hills cafe. The woman who greets me is delightfully warm and engaging – she kisses me hello rather than shaking my hand, and plonks herself down next to me on the banquette, ignoring the chair opposite. She's sparkling and funny and, as our hour together flies by, I feel like I'm catching up with an old friend.

But she's more reflective, and more self-aware – the experience has been so life-changing that Morris is determined to spread the love. She has become evangelical about the benefits of cognitive behavioural therapy and hands out the business cards of psychologists she trusts in Sydney and Melbourne to anyone she thinks could benefit from a visit.

"Now that I've broken on through to the other side, I feel like, 'Oh my gosh, I got my happy self back.' "

Her family also has her back. While Morris was always around a lot, even with her high-octane work life, her husband observes that she's now engaged when she's at home. Her phone is set to silent and she has swapped her habit of permanently running late to arriving 15 minutes early, which creates a sliver of "me time" for breathing, meditating or making a quick phone call to check in with Thomas and the girls.

She's also started a new ritual of devoting one day a term to each daughter separately (one child wanted to sit in an empty bath filled with soft toys, the other opted for blindfold makeovers). "It's sitting down together and laughing and spending time together, making cookies and doing all those things where I was like, 'I would love to do that, but I've just got to get this finished,' " Morris explains.

"I got lost in 'How do I fit it in?' Now it's, 'Do I really want to do it?' I'm knocking back work left, right and centre. It's been hard, but as a result I've had a terrific year." And her kids have noticed the change. "They say, 'Mum, you're so happy.' "

As a result, at the time of our interview Morris was looking forward to returning to South Africa's Kruger National Park for her eight-week stint filming this season of I'm a Celebrity. "It's a crazy amount of fun," she enthuses.

"I get to go away with a dear friend, the darling docteur, and laugh my head off. My family comes over halfway – that lets a bit of steam out of my tyres. It makes me much more relaxed."

But as every working mother knows, some things have to give in the battle to achieve balance. In this instance friends have fallen by the wayside – Morris is lucky if she sees them once a month. In fact, her answering machine says (tongue-in-cheek): "I think we both know I'm not returning your call. Send me a text message. I know it's rude, it's something I'm working on with my psychologist."

More has changed than simply her approach to work and family. Morris has also deliberately stopped the negative self-talk, mindful of the potential effect it could have on her daughters. "I used to say, 'I'm not doing anything right.' Or, 'Mummy's an idiot, I forgot to do such and such.' I hope I'm raising women with a strong sense of self. I don't need to show them by example that I'm the hardest person on myself."

This includes quitting joking about her size or weight. Yet despite all the stress of the last few years, Morris has never looked better. When we meet, she's svelte in a grey marle jersey tube dress spangled with silver sequins (something she whipped up herself from a bolt of fabric from Spotlight, sewing being one of her favourite hobbies). Her hair is dyed its original chestnut brown, she has a slash of crimson across her lips, and her skin shows off a golden glow (apart from her right hand, which she very humanly forgot to fake-tan for our photo shoot). 

Although Morris's publicist has warned me she won't talk about her weight, nothing is off limits in our candid conversation. "I work hard on how I look, so I don't mind if somebody notices," she tells me. (This includes the odd shot of Botox.) "The way I look at 48, size 12, it takes not eating cakes during the day, not getting that Crunchie at the corner shop, not having another muffin. It's all day, every day. The moment you stop doing that you won't have the same results."

This philosophy could equally be applied to Morris's career. Her work ethic has been phenomenal – from working for free for three months in the UK trying to get a start on the stand-up circuit, to cramming her diary to fit in every work request. But the newly enlightened Lady J-Mo is determined to ease back. "I've been working this hard my entire life," she says. "Now it's time to stop and reset. The first part of my life was very intense. The second part of my life is not going to be that intense – but the fun will remain the same."

I'm a Celebrity ... Get Me out of Here! is on Channel Ten at 7pm Sunday and 7.30pm Monday to Thursday