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Community Advisory Committee

Community Advisory Committee

The SBS Community Advisory Committee (Committee) is established under section 50 of the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) Act 1991. The function of the Committee as specified under the Act is to assist the SBS Board to fulfill its duty to be aware of, and responsive to, community needs and opinions, by advising the Board on community matters relevant to the SBS Charter 

The Committee meets throughout the year to discuss issues of relevance to SBS and to give advice, raise community concerns and provide feedback on programming and projects to the SBS Board. 

Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference for the Committee are: 

Subject to the priorities determined by the SBS Board, and in accordance with the SBS Charter, to: 
  1. provide advice from time to time in relation to matters referred by the Board;
  2. advise and make recommendations to the Board on the community needs, opinions and aspirations of all Australians, including those of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islanders and culturally and linguistically diverse communities, as they relate to the Charter, content, services and activities;
  3. advise and make recommendations to the Board on matters related to community engagement, partnerships, consultations, stakeholder relations and policies of SBS relevant to the Charter; 
  4. advise, make recommendations and provide feedback to the Board on programming, marketing and outreach activities affecting all Australians, including those of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islanders and culturally and linguistically diverse communities;
  5. advise and make recommendations to the Board on how to inform and educate all Australians to counter prejudice, racism and religious discrimination;
  6. advise the Board on any developing issues relevant to the Charter, content, services and activities. 

Committee members are appointed by the SBS Board. 

The Board may only appoint a person to the Committee if the Board is satisfied that the person:

  1. has an understanding of Australia's multicultural society; and
  2. in particular, has interests relevant to, and an understanding of ethnic, Aboriginal, or Torres Strait Islander communities. 

Current members of the Committee include:
  • Ms Gail Ker OAM
  • Professor Andrew Markus
  • Ms Eugenia Grammatikakis
  • Mr Cedric Manen
  • Ms Catherine Scarth

Community Advisory Committee   
Corporate Affairs
Locked Bag 028
Crows Nest NSW 1585