'I certainly can call it a f**king body transformation!': Chloe Madeley flaunts her ripped six-pack in defiant selfies... as she brands trolls 'c**ks' for belittling her 11lbs weight loss

Chloe Madeley has branded online trolls 'c**ks' for trying to undermine her 11lbs weight loss.

The fitness fanatic, who lost the weight in five and a half weeks, went on a social media rampage telling her abusers to stop trying to 'take my s**t away from me'.

The 29-year-old proudly showcased her ripped six-pack and toned thighs while posing in scantily-clad selfies in protest.

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Hitting back: The fitness fanatic, 29, branded online trolls 'c**ks' for trying to undermine her 11lbs weight loss over the weekend 

Hitting back: Chloe Madeley has branded online trolls 'c**ks' for trying to undermine her 11lbs weight loss

The daughter of presenters Richard Madeley and Judy Finnigan shared a comparison photo that showed her figure at the start of the five weeks and now.

'You can't seriously call that a body transformation? Well that's 11lbs difference so I certainly f**king can,' she captioned it.

'"Try 5 stone". Right, listen up...I don't give a f**k if you lose 2 stone or 2lbs. I don't give a f**k if you start as a size 12 or a size 18.

'If you get up every day and you find the time to schlog your a** off in the #gym, and you find the will power to stay committed to your #diet , even when everyone around you is drinking wine and eating ice cream, and you take a measurement or a picture and see that through sheer drive you have MADE SOMETHING HAPPEN, you deserve to pat yourself on the back...BIG TIME.'

Defiant: Chloe shared a series of defiant Instagram selfies, proudly showcasing her ripped six-pack and toned thighs as she posed in skimpy sports bras in protest

Defiant: The 29-year-old shared a series of defiant Instagram selfies proudly showcasing her ripped six-pack and toned thighs as she posed in skimpy sports bras in protest

Livid: The star, who lost the weight in five and a half weeks, went on a social media rampage telling her abusers to stop trying to 'take my s**t away from me'

Livid: The fitness fanatic, who lost the weight in five and a half weeks, went on a social media rampage telling her abusers to stop trying to 'take my s**t away from me'

Continuing her rant, she added: 'And if anyone comes at you telling you they've done better or your achievement isn't as good as you think it is...that person is a c**k. Fact.

'I am damn proud that through sheer determination I have lost 11lbs of fat in 5.5 weeks, and if you lost more then well done, but don't take my s**t away from me.'

Meanwhile, Chloe took a break from slamming her critics to pen a gushing Valentine's Day tribute to her rugby ace boyfriend James Haskell, 31. 

The personal trainer shared a loved-up selfie with James, with both of them bizarrely sporting face glitter and black lipstick.  

Loved-up: Chloe took a break from slamming her critics to pen a gushing Valentine's Day tribute to her rugby ace boyfriend James Haskell, 31

Loved-up: Chloe took a break from slamming her critics to pen a gushing Valentine's Day tribute to her rugby ace boyfriend James Haskell, 31

Sweet: Reiterating her love for James, Chloe has admitted that he was '100 per cent' the man she wanted to marry

Sweet: Reiterating her love for James, Chloe has admitted that he was '100 per cent' the man she wanted to marry

'Valentine's Day is bulls**t,' she penned. 'But if I have an excuse to tell this beast I'm obsessed with him I'll take it. You're THE BEST THING EVER @jameshask'

And reiterating her love for James, Chloe has admitted that he was '100 per cent' the man she wanted to marry. 

'I’m not worried about marriage or engagement. However, do I see myself being with James for ever? A hundred per cent,' she told Now magazine: 

'I got lucky with James – he’s such a romantic and does loads of things that make me really happy,' she added.

'He left me a note by the bed the other day before leaving [the house], which left me smiling for days. Stuff like that just makes me think: "I got lucky." '

Determined to reach her goal: Chloe has been documenting her weight loss for the past month with steamy selfies

Determined to reach her goal: Chloe has been documenting her weight loss for the past month with steamy selfies

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