Kate Fischer 'has to lose 20 kilograms' to make money from paid magazine deal... and is hoping '800 calorie' I'm A Celebrity diet will help her

When Tziporah Malkah clashed with Lisa Curry on I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here! Australia about about being 'lazy', there was more than just charity money at stake.

It has been revealed that the 43-year-old - formerly known as Kate Fischer - is required to shed 20 kilograms in order to make money on a paid magazine deal.

The former model and ex-fiance of billionaire businessman James Packer had many details of the arrangement with New Idea outlined to The Daily Telegraph, in an article published on Saturday.

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Bound! Tziporah Malkah - formerly known as Kate Fischer - is required to lose 20 kilograms in the coming months as part of a paid magazine deal and is hoping the 800 calorie I'm A Celebrity diet helps her protect the paid deal

Bound! Tziporah Malkah - formerly known as Kate Fischer - is required to lose 20 kilograms in the coming months as part of a paid magazine deal and is hoping the 800 calorie I'm A Celebrity diet helps her protect the paid deal

Interestingly, it was Tziporah's manager and well-known publicist Max Markson who broke the news.

'Tziporah has to lose 20kg as part of the arrangement and an 800 calorie a day diet is helpful,' he said of the magazine deal, which was made after the model-turned-reclusive aged care worker was 'found' in Melbourne.

The diet in question consists of small portions of oats, beans, brown rice, vegetables and 'two tablespoons of olive oil,' according to the publication.

Max also admitted he was 'contractually bound,' not to discuss financial specifics of the no doubt lucrative magazine deal.

Thanks Max! Interestingly, it was the 43-year-old's manager and well-known publicist Max Markson who broke the news, describing the show's 800 calorie a day diet of oats, beans, rice and vegetables as 'helpful'

Thanks Max! Interestingly, it was the 43-year-old's manager and well-known publicist Max Markson who broke the news, describing the show's 800 calorie a day diet of oats, beans, rice and vegetables as 'helpful'

Comments made to the publication before the former Vogue cover girl entered the jungle reveal there's more than just finances that could be at risk if she fails to uphold her deal.

'I am unhealthy, my doctor says I am on the brink of diabetes and my back is going to get very sore doing the job that I do if I don’t lose weight,' Tziporah said at the time.

'I will lose weight (in the jungle).'

To ensure she reaps the financial windfall of her deal, Tziporah isn't discussing her weight loss too in-depth on the show either, but has touched on her past eating disorders.

More than just money: The former cover model has previously revealed the extent of her need to slim down, saying: 'I am unhealthy, my doctor says I am on the brink of diabetes'

More than just money: The former cover model has previously revealed the extent of her need to slim down, saying: 'I am unhealthy, my doctor says I am on the brink of diabetes'

While chatting with her campmates, she did reveal she had a chronic eating disorder from around the age of 8.

The personality said she started over-eating after her parents separated - long before her modelling career began at the age of 13.

'Then I got a bit of bulimia and all of that kind of stuff,' she revealed on the show.

Tziporah's likelihood for success may be bolstered with the news that recently eliminated Tom Arnold dropped 9 kilograms in his very short time on the show. 

Lengthy battle: The 43-year-old has previously admitted to battling with eating disorders since the age of eight

Lengthy battle: The 43-year-old has previously admitted to battling with eating disorders since the age of eight



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