Moving back? Actress Teresa Palmer celebrates son's nine-week milestone and talks about wanting to raise her kids back in her Australian hometown

She's the Australian actress who found love and career success in the US.

But it seems like the fast paced lifestyle of Los Angeles could be taking its toll on Teresa Palmer. 

The 30-year-old took to Instagram to celebrate Forest's nine-week-old milestone.

Getting bigger: Australian actress Teresa Palmer celebrates son's nine-week milestone back in her hometown of Adelaide

Getting bigger: Australian actress Teresa Palmer celebrates son's nine-week milestone back in her hometown of Adelaide

Teresa also took to her blog, Your Zen Mama, to talk about travelling with her young sons and husband, filmmaker Mark Webber, back to her home in South Australia.

In a vlog post, she also opened up about missing the laid back lifestyle of Adelaide compared to the rush of living in Los Angeles. 

'In LA it's like everywhere you turn you know someone or you've got something going on, or there's an event or a party. And here its just not like that at all,' she said.

Laid back lifestlye:  In a vlog post, she also opened up about missing the laid back lifestyle of Adelaide compared to the rush of living in Los Angeles

Laid back lifestlye:  In a vlog post, she also opened up about missing the laid back lifestyle of Adelaide compared to the rush of living in Los Angeles

Tinsel town: 'In LA it's like everywhere you turn you know someone or you've got something going on, or there's an event or a party,' she said

Tinsel town: 'In LA it's like everywhere you turn you know someone or you've got something going on, or there's an event or a party,' she said

The Hacksaw Ridge star is currently in Australia for a secret photo shoot.

She said she spent a week in her home town and took her eldest son Bodhi to preschool for the first time.

In her video the blonde beauty opted for a makeup free look and gushed about how well he is treated by his teachers and is engaged with what he is learning.

However, she added that it would be bitter sweet when they will eventually return back to LA where Teresa and Mark work.

Loved up: The Hacksaw Ridge star gushed about how her eldest son Bodhi is well he is treated by his teachers and is engaged with what he is learning at his Australian pre-school

Loved up: The Hacksaw Ridge star gushed about how her eldest son Bodhi is well he is treated by his teachers and is engaged with what he is learning at his Australian pre-school

'Our children are going to have the best of both worlds they're gonna experience the chaotic energy of LA and all the exciting creativity there,' she said.

'And then you come here and its completely recharging, serene and peaceful, and I always feel like I'm in my higher place in Adelaide because I have the time to slow down and be really present,' she added. 

But it's not all bad, with the Warm Bodies actress saying she loves LA, the friends they've made there, as well as the food and culture.

'But I have to say it's so nice to have this second home here, to be able to come back as much as we do,' the actress said.

'Best of both worlds': The actress noted that her sons will have a great experience living in between Australia and American 

'Best of both worlds': The actress noted that her sons will have a great experience living in between Australia and American 

Traditional upbringing: 'I want that for him (Bodhi), and for my next baby and my future children. There is so much about Australia that we want our kids to experience'

Traditional upbringing: 'I want that for him (Bodhi), and for my next baby and my future children. There is so much about Australia that we want our kids to experience'

In a previous interview with the Herald Sun Teresa said she wanted to giver her children a traditional Adelaide upbringing, similar to her experience before moving to the US when she was 18.

'I want that for him (Bodhi), and for my next baby and my future children. There is so much about Australia that we want our kids to experience,' she said.

Teresa will jet off to Paris for fashion week, before returning to LA for the Oscars - which she said will coincide with her 31st birthday. 

Jet setting mum: Teresa is set to fly to Paris for fashion week, before returning to LA for the Oscars - which she said will coincide with her 31st birthday

Jet setting mum: Teresa is set to fly to Paris for fashion week, before returning to LA for the Oscars - which she said will coincide with her 31st birthday

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