'It's not a normal thing to ask somebody': Teenager who was asked by TGI Friday if he'd have sex with his parents says he won't eat there again - never mind go for second interview

  • Daniel Dougherty, 18, left 'gobsmacked' after being asked outrageous question
  • Interviewer at Derby store also said: 'Would you rather s*** a brick or cry glass?'
  • He walked out of interview and staff member responsible has been suspended
  • Have you been asked more inappropriate questions at interview? 
  • Contact rory.tingle@mailonline.co.uk or phone  020 3615 3874

Daniel Dougherty, from Derby, was left 'gobsmacked' after being asked the question and others, including: 'Would you rather s*** a brick or cry glass?

Daniel Dougherty, from Derby, was left 'gobsmacked' after being asked the question and others, including: 'Would you rather s*** a brick or cry glass?

A teenager who was asked during a TGI Fridays interview in he would 'rather watch his parents have sex for a year or join in just for the start' has now been named.

Daniel Dougherty, from Derby, was left 'gobsmacked' after being asked the question and others, including: 'Would you rather s*** a brick or cry glass?'

The 18-year-old had been at the interview event on Sunday with several other job seekers where they had participated in several challenges like balloon making.

But Mr Dougherty, an apprentice engineer, then sat down for a ten minute grilling by a member of staff believed to be a bartender.

He said: 'The questioning started quite normally and he asked my previous experience.

'But after five minutes the interviewer began plucking questions out of thin air.

'When he asked me if I would sleep with my parents for a year or just join in for the start, my stomach turned and I told him it was wrong and I wasn't going to answer.

'They then asked if I'd rather s*** a brick or cry a glass and I just stared at him open mouthed.

The 18-year-old had been at the interview event on Sunday at the branch (pictured) with other job seekers where they had participated in several challenges like balloon making

The 18-year-old had been at the interview event on Sunday at the branch (pictured) with other job seekers where they had participated in several challenges like balloon making

'It was quickly followed by would I eat chocolate flavoured s*** or s*** flavoured chocolate. I humoured him by saying chocolate flavoured s*** but then stood up to go.'

The mortified 18-year-old then walked out of the interview, which was for the restaurant's Derby Intu Centre branch.

The disgraced chain have apologised to Daniel and have suspended the member of staff.

But the teen has vowed never to go there again, and has rejected their offer of another interview.

He said: 'I was just in shock, it's not a normal thing to ask somebody. It's not even banter, I wouldn't say something like that to my friends.

'I told my mum and she was just disgusted, she said it made her feel sick.'

Daniel added: 'I'm definitely not taking the offer of their second interview, and I probably won't go there to eat either.

'I just told the guy who was interviewing me that it was wrong and I wasn't going to answer it.'

Mr Dougherty walked out and complained - and the American-style restaurant chain has now apologised. Pictured: Stock photo of the inside of a TGI Fridays restaurant

Mr Dougherty walked out and complained - and the American-style restaurant chain has now apologised. Pictured: Stock photo of the inside of a TGI Fridays restaurant

A spokesman for TGI Friday's said: 'Fridays offers an industry-leading recruitment process, and this incident fell severely below our high standards.

'The questions posed during the interview with the candidate are absolutely not part of TGI Friday's interview process and we were very disappointed to learn of this incident.


'Would you rather watch your parents have sex for a year or join in just for the start?'

'Would you rather s*** a brick or cry glass?'

'Would you rather eat chocolate flavoured s*** or s*** flavoured chocolate?' 

'Immediate action was taken, with the person involved suspended.

'We have apologised to the candidate for the experience and offered them the opportunity to re-interview with us, which we hope they will take up.'   

It comes a week after a teenager was mocked with a laughing face emoji as she was turned down for a part-time waitress job at a steakhouse minutes after the interview.

Megan Dixon, 18, had been interviewed by assistant manager Shantel Wesson for a position at a new branch of Miller and Carter opening in Enderby, Leicestershire.

But the A level student was shocked to receive a text message just moments after the interview finished, which called her 'basic' and said: 'It's a no x'.

It comes a week after teenager Megan Dixon was mocked with a laughing face emoji as she was turned down for a part-time waitress job at a steakhouse minutes after the interview

It comes a week after teenager Megan Dixon was mocked with a laughing face emoji as she was turned down for a part-time waitress job at a steakhouse minutes after the interview

Ms Dixon had received a text earlier in the day confirming her interview and had later had an instant no, in a text probably not meant for her

Ms Dixon had received a text earlier in the day confirming her interview and had later had an instant no, in a text probably not meant for her

When the teenager responded to ask why she had been turned down, Ms Wesson replied: 'Just not engaging. And answers we're 'like' basic.'

Basic is a term, originating in the US, which describes cliched or unoriginal behaviour.

Ms Wesson then used the emoji which depicts someone laughing so hard that they're crying.

Speaking to MailOnline, Ms Dixon, said she 'couldn't believe' how unprofessional the steakhouse chain were.

Describing the interview with Ms Wesson, she said: 'I thought it was strange she didn't shake my hand, I thought she would have been more professional.'     

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