Help your shell-f to a free ride! Sneaky snail hitchhikes on a turtle as it relaxes in the water

  • A snail was pictured hitching a ride on the back of a red eared slider turtle in a garden pond 
  • Photographs were taken by amateur photographer Roni Kurniawan in Jakarta, Indonesia in his garden
  • The unsuspecting turtle was minding his own business when the sneaky garden snail emerged from the water
  • After sliding all the way along his body, the snail settles himself on the nose of the poor red eared slider turtle

Friendship can be found in the most unlikely of places, even in the animal kingdom.

A snail was captured on camera hitching a slow but steady ride on the back of a red eared slider turtle. 

The duo were relaxing in the garden of amateur photographer Roni Kurniawan in Jakarta, Indonesia 

A snail was captured on camera hitching a slow but steady ride on the back of a red eared slider turtle

A snail was captured on camera hitching a slow but steady ride on the back of a red eared slider turtle

The duo were relaxing in the garden of amateur photographer Roni Kurniawan in Jakarta, Indonesia

The duo were relaxing in the garden of amateur photographer Roni Kurniawan in Jakarta, Indonesia

The unsuspecting turtle was sat minding his own business when the sneaky garden snail emerged from the water and began to crawl up onto the turtle's shell.

Enjoying the new found heights, the snail slowly made his way across the shell. 

But rather than be a pleasant hitchhiker and give the turtle his space, the snail decides to go face to face with his acquired ride.

After sliding all the way along his body, the snail settles himself on the nose of the poor red eared slider turtle.

The unsuspecting turtle was sat minding his own business when the sneaky garden snail emerged from the water and began to crawl up onto the turtle's shell

The unsuspecting turtle was sat minding his own business when the sneaky garden snail emerged from the water and began to crawl up onto the turtle's shell

After sliding all the way along his body, the snail settles himself on the nose of the poor red eared slider turtle

After sliding all the way along his body, the snail settles himself on the nose of the poor red eared slider turtle


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