Top photographer Brian Aris reveals his amazing archive

Brian Aris is as comfortable capturing the official portraits of the Queen's 70th birthday as he is snapping a group of rambunctious musicians. His archive of prints, which are now available to buy on the website, is one of the largest in the country, containing shots of music legends like David Bowie, Blondie, The Rolling Stones, Madonna and Duran Duran.

Having worked in Hollywood for over 20 years, British writer William Nicholson, 69, has developed a skin thick enough to withstand even the barbs of Russell Crowe.

If only this charming chamber piece had dared to go for the jugular. Trapped between death and life, it is nothing like deadly nor animated enough.

This show of 360 acrylic paintings reveals a natural talent for painting with a relaxed, accurate hand - and at great speed. Tyson has done 730 of these paintings over the last 20 years.

Event Mag UK



The vineyards of Alsace are like the hidden album of an iconic band that deserves greater acclaim.

The Wheatsheaf is that rarest of pubs, a place so dependable that you can set your watch by it.

Richard Wagner was born in Leipzig in 1813, either on May 25  as Callow says on page 1, or on May 23, as he says on page 135. Above:  Wagner with his wife Cosima in 1875

Wagner is loved and loathed in roughly equal measures. His music has been compared by the doubters to the noise of a finger rubbed round the edge of a glass, or a cat scampering over a piano.


Cars of the future

After training under the likes of Nico Ladenis and Richard Corrigan, Graham Garrett opened The West House in Biddenden, Kent.

Victorians Undone seeks to reverse the peculiar pretence, common among other historians, that our Victorian ancestors existed primarily as disembodied minds.

Tony Bennett's story could have come straight from the lyrics of the Frank Sinatra classic, That's Life: he's been through bankruptcy, addiction, fame and obscurity before making a comeback.