Adele's personal trainer reveals how she slimmed down

Adele has made an incredible fitness transformation with Pete Geracimo, who has been a personal trainer for over 20 years. In a recent interview, she revealed that she wanted to 'get in shape for myself, but not to be a size zero or anything like that'. For her this meant cutting back on sugar, giving up smoking and hitting the gym - specifically, doing weights. Here, her London-based trainer explains how they did it. Pictured: In 2008 (left) and last week (right). 

Cuddle hormone Oxytocin increases empathy and motivation to care for a child and is present in both fathers and mothers. Researchers think it can help fathers struggling to bond with their children.

The antipsychotic drug Abilify, used to treat schizophrenia and depression, is at the center of hundreds of lawsuits over claims that side effects included gambling and binge shopping

It only takes less than a tablespoon of butter each day to develop type 2 diabetes, according to researchers from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona.

The flu vaccine has been more effective this season than in the past, with 48 percent effectiveness, says the CDC. But it warns that we are in for 'elevated activity for several more weeks'.

In a study on mice, scientists from The Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine, found it helped to keep their eyes healthier for longer - reducing their risk of developing the condition.

New York surgeon 'has formula to make the perfect vagina' 

New York-based surgeon Dr Amir Marashi - known as the 'vagina whisperer' - spends day in, day out creating the 'perfect vagina' as the number of women wanting to 'prettify' their genitals rises. Recent figures show more than 8,000 women undergo the surgery a year in the US.

Researchers at Michigan State University found that tugging at smokers' heartstrings may encourage them to ditch the habit more than graphic anti-smoking campaigns.

Face transplant recipient hails results after suicide bid

 US surgeons have successfully performed a face transplant on a man who shot himself in the jaw in a failed suicide bid. Andy Sandness, 31, from Wyoming, had the 56-hour operation at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota last year, 10 years after failing to take his life. He was first allowed to see his new face in June after three weeks of recovery at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, and his first response was to write down, 'far exceeded my expectations'. His friend of a decade, Dr Samir Mardini, who led the surgical team, told him that 'You don't know how happy that makes us feel'. His new face once belonged to 21-year-old father-to-be, Calen Ross, who shot himself before his wedding in June. Pictured: Mr Sandness before the operation (left), seeing his face for the first time after (inset), and in January 2017 (right).

The baby was born via c-section in SP Hospital in Yamunanagar, Haryana, India, on Wednesday but tragically only survived a few hours.

The pioneering system, created at the University of Missouri, allows medical personnel to intervene before a potentially lethal collapse becomes likely to happen.

Researchers from the University of Leicester have discovered a gene that protects neurons from damage in fruit flies, which may allow for more tailored Parkinson's treatments.

Titanium dioxide, found in a variety of foods as E171, damages cell structures inside the intestines, research by Binghamton University suggests.

Is your child's NERF gun safe?

EXCLUSIVE: Abigail Earnshaw (left and right), from Harrogate, had been playing with her older brother when she was struck in the face by one of the popular toy's foam darts. Her terrified mother, Amanda, 42, said she heard a 'horrible, piercing scream' before rushing to her daughter's aid. A dark patch of blood slowly formed across half of her eye (bottom inset), but luckily the youngster recovered and had no lasting issues. But eye surgeons are concerned over the increasing power of foam dart guns, such as those made by Nerf (top inset), and are scared that someone could be left blind after an accident. While Ms Earnshaw is now appealing to manufacturers to include eye goggles with every gun sold.

Nate Williams, from Burntwood, Staffordshire, was born with an abnormal-shaped head, but doctors still remain baffled as to why. Experts are unsure how long he has left to live.

This list of the dirtiest items in the workplace - compiled by the cleaner-bookng website, will leave you reaching for the hand sanitiser - and avoiding the water cooler.

Antoinette Acosta, 47, from New York, suffers from Stiff Person Syndrome. Despite looking healthy, she is often left gasping for breath as her chest goes into spasm.

Dr Jessamy Hibberd says simple strategies like jumping out of bed to open the curtains - rather than hitting snooze for a few minutes of extra sleep - can have a positive impact on your mood.

Inside America's first egg-freezing-only lab 

This is a glimpse inside America's first lab dedicated exclusively to egg freezing. Extend Fertility, a 'boutique' clinic in New York City's Midtown, is focused solely on preserving a woman's eggs to save for the hope of a pregnancy years down the line. While fertility preservation already exists, it has only ever been offered as a secondary service by IVF providers. This week, Extend Fertility upgraded its services to become the first place on the East Coast using the latest freezing method, Cryotec. With that move, they make a staggering claim that they can ensure almost 100 percent survival rate of at least 12 eggs per patient. Now, Daily Mail Online can offer a rare look inside that process.

All this week in the Mail's life-changing series, Professor Jason Ellis has drawn on his experience to help tackle sleep problems. in the final part of his series he reveals a specialist technique.

To a certain extent, our strength and stamina can boil down to genetics. However, there are certain heights we should all be able to reach. Here, personal trainer Max Zeumer explains...

Scientists at Imperial College London found that antibiotics were illegally available without prescription on 45 per cent of the first 20 online pharmacy websites they looked at

Nutritionist Shereen Lehman has put seven popular diets to the test - listing their pros and cons. The Mediterranean Diet came in first and now we present the remaining six from best to worst.

Plastic surgeons reveal the perfect pout 

A new study conducted by plastic surgeons at the University of California, Irvine, has revealed what women consider to be the perfect dimensions for attractive lips. After analyzing morphed computer images, a 50 percent increase from the natural one to two ratio was considered to be the best.

Researchers, from the Hospital General Universitario Morales Meseguer in Murcia, found the 60-year-old woman had a glioblastoma multiforme - an aggressive form of brain tumour.

In a study on fruit flies, researchers from Monash University, Melbourne, found that a father's diet can massively impact their children's fertility by making their son's sperm less competitive.

Health experts have slammed Gwyneth Paltrow's advice to take iodine supplements. Her suggestion stems from an interview with a 'medical medium' who gets his information from ghosts.

Researchers from Philips Innovative Technologies in Hamburg have created an army of microscopic robots that can move their limbs independently thanks to their tiny magnetic screws.

EXCLUSIVE: Using a blow torch before serving oily fish will seal flavours and lead to less odour, advises award-winning chef Kelan McMichael from the Bull & Ram, Belfast.

Several states are considering bills that would create a new midlevel position in dentistry called dental therapist who perform routine procedures such as pulling teeth.

Celebrities causing a surge in plastic surgery

Gwyneth Paltrow (right) and Victoria Beckham (left) are just two of many A-listers who snapped straight back to their pre-baby bodies. But after seeing their dramatic changes, rates of women going under the knife to get beach body ready have quadrupled in the past five years, according to a leading plastic surgeon from Imperial College, London. Top of the list of requests are tummy tucks and boob jobs as women become more body conscious.

Noorkhi Bai, 32, from a remote village in Badwani district, India, first developed the growth three years ago, but it quickly spread to engulf her entire face.

The new device, created by scientists at the West Virginia University could be deployed in ambulances, by paramedics, at hospital bedsides and on the battlefield.

When taken alongside drugs, vitamin B supplements caused less hallucinations and delusions in sufferers of the mental disorder, Manchester University researchers found.

A study of 4,500 babies between 2000 and 2011 showed a small but significant drop in fatalities for babies born between 23 and 37 weeks gestation.

Map shows where people are hypochondriacs

A new study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has revealed where where medical providers consistently order more tests and treatments. Medical providers in the Northeast, the deep South, and most of California tend to diagnose their patients rather aggressively. By contrast, providers in the Midwest and Mountain West, among other areas, are less aggressive in diagnosing patients.

Pollution in south Asia has caused up to 1.6million premature births since 2010 as tiny pollutants get lodged in mothers' lungs, according to a new report from the Stockholm Environment Institute.

Believed to be suffering from neurofibromatosis, Shadot Hossain, from Shajadpur, Bangladesh, is in a race against time to secure surgery to remove the tumours - and save his sight.

Researchers from Liverpool John Moores University found that mackerel, salmon and pilchards can all reverse the damage caused to the immune system by obesity.

A Quora user asked: 'What do good cooks know yet others don't?' and chefs responded by sharing their top cooking tips, such as always having a sharp knife and using a high heat to add flavour.

Countless women insist the pill causes them depression

Mood swings have been cited for years as a possible side-effect, but many women complain that their negative experiences on hormonal contraceptives are dismissed by the medical profession. Becky Field (above left) is one woman who is convinced that the Pill had a damaging impact on her mental health after she began taking it as an 18 year old.

The researchers in the study, from Queen Mary University of London, called for vitamin D to be added to foods such as milk or bread – a policy already in the US, Canada and Australia.

Figures published by Age UK show that an estimated 1.2 million over-65s in the UK are not being given help with daily tasks including bathing, dressing and eating meals.

Professor Jason Ellis, director of the Northumbria Centre for Sleep Research, reveals the ways you can switch off your brain and get back to sleep if you wake in the middle of the night.

The tragedy of the modern NHS is that the wartime generation, the one that defeated Hitler and never called an ambulance, is dying out and being replaced by the ‘Me’ generation.

'Why spend over £10,000 on a facelift surgery when you can give yourself a DIY version in under 10 minutes and for around £100?' writes make-up artist LISA ELDRIDGE.

Why Kate Middleton was destined to outshine Pippa

In a study published last week by Edinburgh University, first-born children were found to display more intelligence than their younger siblings. Other studies show they are also likely to be taller and to live longer. Scientists have also discovered that middle children are the most likely to achieve high political office, while the youngest are more likely than their older brothers and sisters to seek stardom on stage or screen. Decades of in-depth investigation has produced a wealth of data that reveals exactly how the odds are stacked for every one of us, as JOHN NAISH reveals.

Researchers across the US tested the method on hundreds of infants with autistic siblings, making them 'at risk'. The experiment had an 80 percent success rate of detecting the condition.

According to a new report, Alaska is the state where you are most likely to catch an STD, while New Hampshire ranks last. The report used CDC data as well as state and county health information.

Despite promising to contain certain amounts of sleep-controlling hormones, many sleep supplements are well off the mark, scientists from the University of Guelph in Ontario claim.

Diana Alvarez, 36, a married mother-of-one who lived in Kennesaw, Georgia, traveled to her native Medellin in early December 2016 to get liposuction. She never woke up from surgery.

How Instagram selfies are driving plastic surgery boom

Instagram selfies are the biggest incentive for plastic surgery, US surgeons claim in a new report. Around half the patients clinics see today are seeking a 'natural filter' so they look better on social media, according to interviews with medics nationwide. The survey also revealed a sharp rise in the number of Millennials getting nips and tucks.

Vietnam actress' face was destroyed by a sinus infection

Tran Thi Yen Nhung (left), 28, complained of pain inside her nose, which doctors initially dismissed as sinusitis, three years ago. After the pain continued and her family spent a total of the equivalent of £180,000 (500million VND), on prospective cures, doctors finally operated on her in My Tho, Vietnam. Yet, rather than solving the problem, the procedure actually made the infection worse. Within a year, it had consumed nearly all of Miss Nhung's face - destroying her nose and mouth (right and inset). The infection was also infested with flies. She tragically died from the illness on 27 December.

Up to 75 per cent of people use their phone on the toilet, but an Australian doctor has warned that this spreads dangerous bacteria that can make you ill.

In 2016 the UK went through an astounding 7,969 million packs of wipes. But an alarming new study shows they are often full of chemicals.

If you're looking for creams for inflamed skin, you might be better off seeing your primary care doctor. A new study found that dermatologists are three times more likely to prescribe brand names.

A new report from the American Heart Association estimates that heart disease will cost the US $1.1 trillion a year - more than double the current cost of $555 billion.

A new report from the UN's International Labour Organization states that those who work out of home are more likely to suffer from insomnia, stress and depression.

Teen almost 'sent home to die' after rare gastric disease

A 19-year-old Australian girl who cannot digest food and will spend the rest of her life being fed via a tube is determined to get her life back on track. Barbara Sass (pictured) was diagnosed with gastroparesis and intestinal failure in the last two years, and has had a number of near death experiences since. She said at one point she was going home to 'die' before specialised tube feeding gave her a second chance.

Canadian research suggests that believing someone has a better sex life than you after reading magazine articles of celebrities such as Katie Price can damage your libido.

A clinical trial at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Dentistry is offering patients with cavities in between their teeth a less painful treatment option to the traditional drilling.

While fluctuations in hormones are to blame for most women's postnatal depression, stress was to blame for a father feeling down before the birth, researchers from the University of Auckland say.

The 48-year-old actor has been vocal about his battle with basal cell carcinoma since doctors spotted his first abnormal mole in 2013. So what is BCC, and why does Jackman's case keep returning?

The Hygiene Doctor, Lisa Ackerley, of the University of Salford, said that runny noses could be a result of having an allergy to the faeces of hundreds of microscopic dust mites.

Pancreatic Cancer UK predicts that 11,279 people will die every year from the disease by 2026, a 28 per cent increase from 2014. Around 10,000 people in the UK are diagnosed each year.

Student, 18, with cystic fibrosis becomes a cheerleader

Emily Bonney, 18, from Blackpool, takes up to 60 tablets every day to keep her lungs functioning at a normal rate - but this didn't stop her following her dreams of becoming a cheerleader (left). After being diagnosed with life limiting cystic fibrosis - a genetic condition which causes the lungs to become clogged with mucus - aged eight, she has defied the odds. The teenager (inset in hospital) even finds time to practise while in hospital receiving treatment (right) She has now been chosen to represent Team England at the ParaCheer world championships this year.

Exercise could be the key to managing menopausal symptoms in women, such as night sweats and inability to lose weight, even if they'd led sedentary lifestyles, a new Spanish study claims.

A team from University College London studied 13 professional footballers and one amateur player. They found four had chronic traumatic encephalopathy, which can cause dementia.

Some 375 packages of abortion pills were seized last year by the drugs watchdog on their way to British addresses. The number has jumped from 270 in 2015, 180 in 2014 and just five in 2013.

Experts believe that carefully timing a pregnancy could prevent miscarriage and boost a woman’s chances of having a baby. That is due to the number of ‘natural killer cells’ in the womb.

Surge in women's hair transplants on their BIKINI LINES

EXCLUSIVE: Women's style has always been at the ever-changing whim of fashion trends. And pubic hair is no different. But surgeons at DHI Global (pictured main), who usually specialise in men’s hair transplants, are reporting a sharp rise in women requesting bikini line restoration (top and bottom right) after inadvertently damaging their own hair follicles as they groom. In addition, they say celebs including Gwyneth Paltrow (inset), Cameron Diaz and Lady Gaga – who all embrace full growth down below – have inspired women to reclaim the natural look.

Australian medical experts have claimed multi-vitamins are unnecessary for most people and there is 'no benefit' for the average person taking them

It has emerged however that men can mainly blame their mothers, and not their fathers, as most of the genetic signals come from the X chromosome inherited through the female line.

The £96-a-month Freestyle Libre system has been available privately in the UK for a year, with around 20,000 people already using it and negotiations to make it free on the NHS are ongoing.

Tennessee girl diagnosed with rare disease causing obesity

Alayna Jacobs, four, from Ripley, Tennessee, was diagnosed with an incredibly rare condition called ROHHAD. It causes her to rapidly gain weight and drops her core body temperature dangerously low. Less than 100 people in the world have been diagnosed, and Alayna is unlikely to live past her 10th birthday.

For many people -particularly women -endless nights are ruined by an infuriating inner alarm clock that sees them sitting bolt upright in bed, wide awake, mind buzzing with to-do lists

The cancers, which affect 5,600 Britons a year, have poor survival rates and only a fifth of victims are still alive after five years so experts are now urging adults to exercise and monitor portion sizes.

EXCLUSIVE: In a new infographic, AXA PPP Healthcare - a UK-based private insurance firm - has revealed the true benefits of doing typical household activities for an hour.

Emflaza, a steroid, is one of the only drugs believed to slow the effects of Duchenne's muscular dystrophy, a terminal disease that mainly affects boys. It was not available in the US until now.

Scientists from Imperial College London have found that to achieve lasting effects patients must undergo three years of treatment for a lasting benefit.

Experts from the University of Illinois at Chicago assessed the impact on the amount of toxic compounds consumed by those choosing to follow a diet high in gluten-free products.

The mother who took 3 months to cuddle her baby

Danielle Johnson (pictured left with her son, Lucas), 24, from Manchester, went into labour five weeks early after catching pneumonia, forcing doctors to place her in an induced coma. Her son, Lucas (right and inset his 20-week scan), was born healthy - but when doctors tried to wake her up, she was unresponsive and remained so for three weeks. When she eventually woke up, she was convinced that she had lost her baby and the nurses were trying to kill her. She even attacked her brother after he showed her a picture of Lucas because she was so adamant he was lying and that her son had died. Because of her illness, she wasn't able to meet him until he was 24 days old and it was nearly three months before they could share a cuddle. But after initially struggling to bond with Lucas, the mother-of-two has finally developed a strong relationship with him.

The gene, which can be found in worms and is similar to one humans have, could help break the cycle of overeating and under-exercising, according to Australian and Danish researchers.

A new study from the University of Massachusetts found that children born to fathers who smoke nicotine build up a tolerance to drugs, but might be less responsive to medicine.

Aetna and Humana announced on Tuesday morning that they will not be pursuing a $34 billion merger. Hours later, Cigna sued Anthem to break off their $54 billion alliance.

A recent study from WalletHub has ranked Detroit, Michigan, as the unhealthiest city in the US. Meanwhile, San Francisco, California, took the top grade as the healthiest city.

West Sussex mother left with ROTTING breasts avoids death

WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Annette Stevens, 48, from West Sussex, had implants to boost her 'saggy' breasts over 13 years ago but was left with a range of health problems caused by a 'severe' gel leak. She travelled to Holland in October 2016 where she paid £6,000 to have them removed (left and right, after surgery) to stop them from rupturing, and discovered the tissue protecting them had been rotting inside her chest (inset).

The benefits of restricting calories can be applied all over the body - potentially allowing people to live for longer, scientists from Brigham Young University, Utah, claim.

Youngsters who live in cold houses suffer from psychological damage as a result, experts claim. A new study from New Zealand believes it can also affect physical health.

Two major UK studies have shown many GPs are unaware that prescribing certain patients daily pills - such as tamoxifen and aspirin - can slash their odds of developing certain tumours.

Experts warned that a growing amount of evidence showed that painkillers were ineffective against backpain, and that there were no actively effective drugs for the problem.

50 shades of HEALTH: The surprising benefits of kinky sex

BDSM has been considered taboo for years because of how different it is from 'vanilla' sex. But playing a dominant, or submissive, role can actually improve your physical and mental health, including reducing your stress levels, increasing your number of feel-good hormones and strengthening your immunity.

A year ago today, Faye Burdett died from meningitis B at Maidstone Hospital, her tiny body ravaged by the disease, but her parents say the Government has reneged on the promises it made.

Insomnia is a condition that can affect up to half the world at some point and is deeply unhealthy. But PROFESSOR JASON ELLIS offers a plan to help end your insomnia for ever.

In an experiment for Wednesday's episode of the BBC's Trust Me, I'm A Doctor, a group of 60 otherwise healthy volunteers tested how different sources of Omega 3 boosted their health.

A report by the International Longevity Centre UK suggests many couples remain sexually active into their 80s and 90s and at that age, they are more satisfied than in their 50s, 60s and 70s..

Girl, 6, dies from flu in Ohio

Eva Marie Harris, six, from Rocky River, Ohio, died after coming down with a rare complication that killed after she caught the flu. She developed a rare case of a neurological disease called ADEM, which causes the body to attack the brain and the spinal cord.

When former England striker Jeff Astle died, having suffered from dementia, a coroner found the condition was caused by repeatedly heading footballs. Experts say this is cause for concern.

In one study presented at the European Society for Sexual Medicine in Nice this month, 39 men with pelvic pain were given three or four sessions of the new ultrasound treatment.

As a professor of exercise physiology at McMaster University in Ontario, Dr Martin Gibala has spent decades studying the health benefits of interval training. He explains why these techniques work.

The Starfish Project has offered an alternative approach to stammering, called 'coastal breathing'. This approach was pioneered by the Australian speech therapist Lionel Logue.

The real reason Leah put on 2 stone? Her stomach bacteria

When British journalist Leah Hardy couldn't fit into a size 16 Primark frock, she was mortified. She put it down to work and stress, but her recent stomach test suggests a completely different cause. The new test is called Map My Gut, and was recently launched by Tim Spector, a professor of genetic epidemiology at King's College London. The founder of the UK Twins Registry and the British Gut Project, Professor Spector has a database of more than 14,000 people whose microbiome has been tested.

A new study from Carnegie Mellon University has found that married people have lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol than their single counterparts.

In a new study, researchers from the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute in Barcelona found foods rich in olive oil help to enhance the benefits of so-called 'good cholesterol' - HDL.

In 2013, James Lewis was diagnosed with incurable restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM), and after a 11-month battle he also suffered kidney failure. His mother Kate donated her own kidney to save his life.

Glaucoma is the leading cause of preventable blindness in the UK. Asteroulla Antoniou, 76, a retired dressmaker from London, underwent a new operation to lower the pressure in her eye.

While one reader is concerned about having an MRI scan because of his metal implant, Helen Pearce from East Lothian suffers from a benign essential tremor, and needs a good treatment.

It could even be that you need more sleep. It’s quite common to feel cold when we’re over-tired, as lack of sleep raises stress levels, says Professor Russell Foster, a neuroscientist at the University of Oxford.


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