Anonymous snitch outrages village shopkeepers by spending his days reporting illegally parked cars to traffic warden 

  • Anonymous snooper is reporting drivers the coastal Rottingdean, East Sussex 
  • The eagle-eyed traffic spy has been labelled a 'prat' by one shopkeeper
  • The trader was so angry they have posted a note warning the snooper to stop 

An anonymous informer has angered residents of a sleepy village by 'sticking his fat nose where it's not wanted' and shopping illegally parked motorists to the council, landing many drivers with fines.

The mystery vigilante 'spends his day walking around looking for illegally parked vehicles' before calling the traffic warden to report them.

Drivers popping into shops in quiet coastal village Rottingdean, East Sussex, have been reported by the sneaky informer, making them and traders furious.

The eagle-eyed traffic spy has been labelled a 'prat' by one shopkeeper, who said the 'powers that be' informed him that 'a gentleman in this village' was responsible.

The trader was so angry that they made their views clear in a strongly-worded letter posted in the window of the village's barber shop on the high street.  

An anonymous informer has angered residents of a sleepy village by  shopping illegally parked motorists to the council - prompting traders to warn him off

An anonymous informer has angered residents of a sleepy village by  shopping illegally parked motorists to the council - prompting traders to warn him off

Council figures show parking enforcement firm NSL receives a complaint about poor parking in the village at least once every three days. 

Many Rottingdean residents who attended a pantomime at the village hall discovered they had been reported and given tickets.

Since August last year, 77 calls requesting enforcement in Rottingdean have been received on the NSL's hotline, with 18 tickets issued.

The issue has become so heated and caused so much outrage in the village, councillors have held talks with parking officers over concerns too many tickets will deter shoppers.

Conservative Brighton and Hove City councillor Lynda Hyde said the snoop was 'causing a major upset in the village'

Conservative Brighton and Hove City councillor Lynda Hyde said the snoop was 'causing a major upset in the village'

The strongly-worded note states: 'I have recently been told by the powers that be that a gentleman in this village spends his day walking around the village looking for illegally parked cars, then rings the wardens when he spots some.

'As a trader in this village it's hard enough to earn a living without a prat like this sticking his fat nose where it (sic) not wanted.'

The note finishes with 'you know who you are, u prat' and the author has even added three kisses to the end with 'xxx.'

Conservative Brighton and Hove City councillor Lynda Hyde said: 'This is causing a major upset in the village, particularly among the traders.

One trader was so angry that they made their views clear in a strongly-worded letter posted in the window of the village's barber shop, pictured, on the high street

One trader was so angry that they made their views clear in a strongly-worded letter posted in the window of the village's barber shop, pictured, on the high street

'I obviously agree people should park correctly but the biggest thing about Rottingdean is the survival of the High Street.

'Anything that upsets that is not welcome. Traders are having a hard time and there are a lot of empty shops at the moment.'

A High Street business owner said: 'Since it came to light about this man reporting drivers, the number of tickets has actually increased.

'There was a panto at the village hall and quite a few people were given tickets.'

Parking compliance in the village is considered by Brighton and Hove City Council, East Sussex, to be 'quite good', with just 162 tickets issued in six months. 

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