SpaceX has been forced to delay its inaugural launch from the same pad at Cape Canaveral where Americans flew to the moon almost a half-century ago.

Wood hurled at Trump's motorcade

A child from a Florida middle school has confessed to throwing a piece of wood at the Trump motorcade as it passed by, authorities say.
A US Senate intelligence committee is investigating any possible Russian interference in the 2016 US election.
Donald Trump has blasted the media as fake news producers and condemned the TPP as a 'job killing disaster' at a rally in Florida.
A study of sex trafficking in Las Vegas has found that behind the glitz and glamour of sin city that sex-trafficking of underage girls is rife.
The plaintiff in the lawsuit, known as Roe v Wade has died. The case led to the US Supreme Court's 1973 ruling that established abortion rights.
With his presidency in turmoil and political adversaries baying for blood, Donald Trump is trading the Washington mud pit for more soothing surroundings: a...
US Vice President Mike Pence on Saturday led a chorus of reassurance for allies rattled by Donald Trump's policy stance but European leaders gave the pledges a...
Donald Trump has appeared before supporters at a rally in Florida insisting his White House is running 'so smoothly and that he 'inherited one big mess'.
Thousands of Mexicans linked arms Friday to form a 'human wall' on their country's border with the United States, protesting President Donald Trump's plan to...
Nine asylum-seekers, including four children, barely made it across the Canadian border on Friday as a US border patrol officer tried to stop them and a Reuters...
A red telephone owned by Adolf Hitler and recovered from his Berlin bunker is going up for auction in the US, with bids starting at $US100,000.
After a tumultuous first month in the White House, President Donald Trump has hit the road to spruik his "buy American and hire American" message.
Scientists have found life trapped in crystals that could be 50,000 years old, again showing how microbes can survive punishing conditions on Earth.
US President Donald Trump has once again taken to Twitter to slam the media, labelling them 'enemies of the American people'.

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The residents of Tingha, a tiny town in regional New South Wales, are hoping a boxing program for disaffected youth will curb rising crime rates.
As the federal government releases figures showing an increase in childhood immunisation rates, a paediatrician believes the 'No Jab, No Pay' policy targets the...
The new continent has been tentatively named Zealandia, and it's right next door to Australia.
Amid the confusion of Thursday's press conference, President Donald Trump tried to have one black reporter set up a meeting with a group of African American...
On February 8, six Red Cross workers were killed when their convoy came under fire in Afghanistan. When humanitarians are a target, it's the locals - in desperate...
Sitting down at work all day may not be so bad for you after all, writes Emmanuel Stamatakis.
An Indian couple has been found guilty in a Brisbane court on a total of 66 charges related to running a marriage visa scam for Indian men to marry Australian...