Paraplegic dad-to-be defies the odds - shares the good news with hilarious pregnancy announcement

"It still works!"
"It still works!" Photo: Reddit

A woman and her paraplegic fiancé wanted the world to know that they had "defied the odds" to have a baby. So they staged a creative pregnancy announcement and posted it on Reddit.

The announcement features a photo of mum-to-be Amanda Diesen with one hand hiding her face in mock embarrassment and an ultrasound photo in the other.

Her delighted fiancé Todd Krieg sits in his wheelchair next to her with his tongue sticking out and while giving a big thumps up to the camera. On the wall behind them the words "It still works!" have been scrawled in chalk.

Diesen, formerly a therapist at a Californian paralysis recovery centre first met Todd in October 2015, a year after the dirt bike crash that ended his motocross career and paralysed him from the chest down. The pair fell in love during Krieg's time at the centre but although she had feelings for him, Diesen said she had to keep their relationship professional.

"Todd had a crush on me and called me the 'cute therapist', and I found him so handsome but was so afraid to be unprofessional and hit on a client. Thankfully Todd got the drunken courage on Halloween night 2015 to confess his attraction for me," she recalls.

The couple have now moved to Krieg's hometown in Ohio to start their life together. Diesen notes that they really have defied the odds. "Doctors had said it would be nearly impossible to conceive naturally due to Todd's injury, but here we are, 14 weeks pregnant," she said.

Since posting the photo on Reddit on Wednesday 15 Feb it received more than 2000 comments. Among the messages of congratulations other men who have paralysis of their lower body have been sharing their own success stories.

"Quadriplegic here, 31 years in and 19-year-old son," one dad wrote. "Did it the old fashioned way, no doctors involved for the deed. I just kept busting nuts, congrats," says one man.

Another commented: "Congratulations on your functional penis, I'm in the same boat and found out I had one too. Hooray."