5 spooky photos with babies and children

Reddit user Kevin Matthew Dennis uploaded this image of him and his bride on their wedding day - complete with a "face" ...
Reddit user Kevin Matthew Dennis uploaded this image of him and his bride on their wedding day - complete with a "face" between them. Photo: Reddit

A couple have shared their story of how a creepy face photo-bombed their favourite wedding photo (above).

"Me and my wife's favourite wedding photo ... until we saw what was between us. We still don't know who it was," Reddit user Kevin Matthew Dennis, from Virginia, USA, wrote about the image.

Dennis's wife, Christiana, had been apparently been using it as her profile picture on Facebook before a friend pointed out the ghostly face hidden between their smiles.

The couple still have no clue as to whether it was one of their guests, Dennis wrote.

"Her sister said it might be her but that face looks absolutely nothing even close to it. That face looks like a baby face [in my opinion]." 

Reddit users were quick to cast their own theories as to who, or what, the face was. 

"It looks like Smeagol after the Precious," one user said.

Others had more sensible suggestions: "I am pretty certain that that is the folds of someone's pinkish cardigan."


Spooky samurai 

An eerie photo has emerged appearing to show the lower half of a person standing behind a girl near a samurai tomb.

The photo was taken more than eight months ago but has shot to prominence after international media picked up on a Reddit post about it.

The post, made by a friend of the photographer, said the photo was taken in the Japan's Kanagawa prefecture, near an old tomb for samurai soldiers. 

"Nobody was around when the photo was taken - certainly nobody was behind her," the Reddit user wrote.

"I've known this guy for years and trust him. It has definitely not been [photoshopped], but I'm also not saying this is anything - I just want feedback."

The shot was one of five taken from the same area at the same time, but this was the only one that had the figure in the background, he said.


The woman in the bathroom

Another photo in a Reddit post, this time by user RickieOnRadio, seems to show a woman's arm behind a baby - but there was no one there when the image was taken.

"My auntie has just taken a picture of her son after his bath. They were the only two people in the house at the time," he posted. "A strange figure with a weird shaped hand has appeared in the background and we are all baffled."

The photo was taken on an iPhone, excluding the idea of a double exposure, and RickieOnRadio also posted a photo of the bathroom corner to show there was nothing similar-looking in the vicinity (image at right). 

Suggestions on Reddit ranged from the aunt holding a Barbie doll that got into the shot, through to a magazine somehow sitting beside the toilet. But the vast majority of users believed the arm to be something other-worldly. 

"I'm not saying that it's definitely paranormal," RickieOnRadio wrote. "We're just clueless as to what it is and how it got there."


The ghostly child of Cannock Chase

Michelle Mason was out for a walk with her two children in Cannock Chase, Staffordshire, when she stopped to take a photo of the pair climbing a tree. But she seems to have also caught another, more ghostly, child. 

"I couldn't believe it when I looked closer at the picture and there was a child, standing with a wheel or a hoop in their hand," she told the Huffington Post UK. "It has really freaked me out."

"I would love to know more about the child in the picture. I am convinced it is a ghost, possibly from the Victorian times."

Local ghost hunters were quick to point out the deep, dark eyes of the "ghost", believing it looks like "the black-eyed child Cannock Chase". 

Legend has it that the ghost of a child roams the area, trying to lure people into dangerous situations. 

Michelle Mason isn't sure, but believes she's caught something otherworldly. "Some people have said I must have used Photoshop but I couldn't tell you the first thing about that, I have no idea how to use anything like that. I just took the photo on our family compact camera."

Swimming spectre

Kim Davison shared a photo of a group swimming at Murphy's Hole in Lockyer River, south-east Queensland - complete with what she firmly believes is something from another world. 

Paddling with her friend Jessie Lu and three children, Davison stated that there was nothing else visible in the water at the time, making the figure to her right hard to explain. 

"I'm holding the little girl and that white head next to me with horns is not human, I can promise you that," Ms Davison said.

"Its fingers are on my shoulder and on my daughter's arm. They are long skeletal type fingers." 

To add to the drama, researchers later discovered that in 1913 a 13-year-old girl named Doreen O'Sullivan drowned in the swimming hole. 

Ms Davison is now convinced that the spirit of O'Sullivan is "an entity that exists in that spot in the creek".

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