
Annabel Crabb

Annabel Crabb is a regular columnist, TV host and leading political commentator.

Energetic performance: Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull let off some steam in Canberra.

Power politics don't get hotter than this

Watching politicians fight about energy policy is at once intriguing and confounding. On one hand, as South Australian residents last week will have gathered – or at least those of them with kerosene-fuelled ham radio sets conveniently at hand – there is a recognisable human dimension to the fight.

Donald Trump's inauguration was something of a departure from the last.

Changing those star-spangled stripes

The advent of President Donald Trump has made life extremely difficult for a vulnerable community subgroup, over whose rights the Orange One has demonstrated himself endlessly prepared to trample.

Gone: Sussan Ley.

Ministers spare no expense in their devotion to the public

Fear and confusion has gripped the famously laid-back community of the Queensland Gold Coast, as the residents of the popular retirement strip speculate on the nature of a substantial but as-yet undisclosed public health crisis threatening the region.

<em>Daily Mail Australia</em> has apologised to Samantha Armytage.

The most controversial thing a woman can wear

As 2016 careens to its conclusion with all the elegance of a golf buggy captained by a sleep-deprived ice freak in a Santa suit, it is probably unsurprising that quite so much of its penultimate fortnight would be spent, internationally, arguing about women with controversial pants.

Jean-Claude van Damme had a drink and a chat with One  Nation this week.

Weird is the new normal in Parliament

That seeing One Nation, ambling across the courtyard accompanied by Jean-Claude van Damme, did not at the time seem especially weird gives you an idea of how off-the-charts bonkers much of the final parliamentary fortnight has been.

Typists ply their trade in a banking office in 1929.

The forgotten milestone that shows how far we have come

Many working women who noticed the recent headlines about the gender pay gap being stuck rather firmly at about 16 per cent will have raised their eyes silently heavenward and wondered if this stuff will ever change.