Federal Politics

Donald Trump tries to deflect Michael Flynn scandal with angry tweet over leaks

Every Monday to Friday I'll be delivering a personally-curated newsletter. Call it the double espresso of news – the morning news kickstart for busy people who want to know what they need to know before they get going.

1. Trump

The news is dominated by the fallout from Michael Flynn's resignation as Donald Trump's National Security Advisor. [The Washington Post]

Flynn quit after lying about a potentially illegal phone call he had with the Russian ambassador before Trump's inauguration, and on the day Obama imposed new sanctions on Russia for their interference in the US elections.

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US national security adviser resigns

President Trump's national security adviser Michael Flynn resigns after reports he misled Trump administration officials about his contacts with Russia's ambassador to the US.

Trump attempted to appear unfazed by the scandal which is engulfing all news coverage in the US, tweeting that the real story is about the leaks, which exposed the story. [Nolan D. McCaskill/Politico]

At a later press briefing, White House Secretary Sean Spicer confirmed that the President asked Flynn for his resignation after determining it was a matter of trust, given Flynn had told vice president Pence that he did not discuss sanctions during the call. 

Crucially, Spicer insisted a White House review had determined there were no legal issues and even proffered that Flynn may have have simply forgotten, rather than misled the White House. [CNN]


But this is hardly the end of the matter for Trump.

Prominent Democrats Senator Elizabeth Warren is calling for a bipartisan congressional inquiry into Russia. 

And the respected Republican Senator Senator John McCain said Flynn's resignation "is a troubling indication of the dysfunction of the current national security apparatus." [Statement]

But he didn't stop there. Senator McCain also said "General Flynn's resignation also raises further questions about the Trump administration's intentions toward Vladimir Putin's Russia."

And important not to miss this comment piece from Gideon Rachman who underlines the significance of Flynn being forced out because of his ties to Russia, the same accusations lobbed at Trump. "There is a real risk that the backwash could ultimately threaten the president himself," Rachman says. [Financial Times]

And lookie here. A piece on Breitbart about how Trump's Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus is to blame for Trump's three weeks of political disasters. [Matthew Boyle]

2. Australia + Trump

Labor Senator Lisa Singh is calling on Australia's first female foreign minister Julie Bishop to help fund aid organisations left short by US President Donald Trump's Global Gag Rule.

Labor Senator Lisa Singh. Photo: Australian Senate Hansard screenshot

Labor Senator Lisa Singh is calling on Australia's first female foreign minister Julie Bishop to pledge funds to the global drive to help counter the hundreds of millions of dollars at risk by Trump's Global Gag Rule prohibiting US aid money to overseas organisations which provide abortion services or advice or referrals on abortions. [My report/Fairfax]  

It came as Bill and Melinda Gates warned no amount of privately raised money could fill the void Trump is creating. [Sarah Boseley/The Guardian]

For something a little more productive, Australia's former Treasurer, now Ambassador to Washington Joe Hockey is trying to hawk his asset recycling scheme to the President who wants to build new infrastructure. [John Kehoe/Financial Review]

The former deputy director of the CIA, who is in Australia, told the Lowy Institute last night, that the best way to get into Trump's good books "is to tell him how wonderful he is." 

Michael Morell says Vladimir Putin was the first person to work that out. [Deborah Snow/The Sydney Morning Herald]

There are so many things to observe about the Trump administration and its thin-skinned head, but too often the word "embarrassing" is the one that sums it all up best.

3. Australian politics

Conservative Senator Cory Bernardi.

Conservative Senator Cory Bernardi. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Cory Bernardi and Ian Macdonald want to strip Kevin Rudd, Tony Abbott and Julia Gillard of their Life Gold Pass and other taxpayer-funded perks awarded to former PMs. [Adam Gartrell/Fairfax]

Bernardi, in a slogan that sounds suspiciously like "Drain the Swamp," says he's on a mission to "clean up Canberra." [Rosie Lewis/The Australian]

The aim is to stop PMs who have been dumped by their own parties in their first term, receiving the perks awarded to those who have presided from the Lodge for several terms. 

Bernardi's position is at least a little more consistent than Senator MacDonald who just last week was speaking out against a crackdown on MPs entitlements. (Thinking face emoji...)

Nevertheless, this is one to watch as it travels through the Parliament, with Bernardi eager to continue his attempts to fashion himself as an outsider taking on the political class.

The May budget will include either spending cuts or tax rises to make up for the blocked omnibus bill. [Philip Coorey/Financial Review

While this is a statement of the obvious, it is typical of Treasurers to threaten higher taxes as a way of trying to force their fellow legislators to accept the deal on the table.  Although last night it was the Finance Minister Mathias Cormann making the threat. [David Lipson/Lateline]

The government is worried about losing the prized Triple-A credit rating and believes up to $13 billion worth of spending cuts or tax rises will be required to save it. [Simon Benson, David Crowe/The Australian]

Cormann, the West Australian powerbroker who has not denied helping orchestrating the deal with One Nation ahead of the state election, said the bargain with One Nation was "eminently rational."

The use of force in Australia's onshore immigration detention centres has doubled, despite the population declining. [Michael Koziol/Fairfax]

And Koziol also reports that the Nauruan Government is blocking his Freedom of Information requests about incidents in Australia's offshore detention centres, citing "international relations." [Fairfax]

4. Kim Jong-un's brother 'assassinated'

Kim Jong-nam with an inset of Kim Jong-Un, North Korea's leader.

Kim Jong-nam with an inset of Kim Jong-Un, North Korea's leader.

The estranged brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has died, with some reports saying he has been been assassinated with poison needles, outside Malaysia's international airport. Local media reported that two women, believed to be North Korean spies, fled the scene. [Lindsay Murdoch/Fairfax]

5. Yellen

Janet Yellen, the Chair of the US Federal Reserve, says it would be "unwise" to wait too long to raise interest rates. Three interest rate rises are expected in 2017. Yellen says she plans to see out the rest of her term, under the Presidency of Trump. [Akin Oyedele/Business Insider UK]

6. Drones

The future is arriving. 

Dubai has unveiled passenger drones. The city's Roads and Transportation Agency says they can carry a passenger weighing up to 100 kilograms for about half an hour. [Jon Gambrell/AP]

I am. so. on. board! Pun intended! (Anything to counter London's appalling traffic) 

And Amazon says it's delivery drones may drop off packages with a parachute, to counter that pesky problem about a drone landing on top of your pooch, or in my case, Chloë and/or Oscar! [Matt McFarland/CNN Money]

And that's it from me today, you can follow me on Facebook for more.

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