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Ce qu’on en dit

This is not criticism of Marquee ,but a post to generate awareness of how government regulations are damaging the reputation of our city, hurting licensed venues and ruining nights out for tourists and locals. I teach international students. Their main compliant about Sydney is the nightlife. Although the lockouts that bother them, Its actually the insane laws that prohibit intoxicated persons entering a bar that resonate the most anger. With frightening regularity, patrons are eitherkicked out or denied entry to bars because they look overtly happy or are having too much fun. The security in bars are so concerned about the government imposing fines against the owner, they perceive anyone who appears to be enjoying themselves, or showing the slightest signs of intoxication to be drunk with the potential to cause harm to others. When in fact, they are simply having a good night out with friends.Our nightlife is now over regulated to point that our city is now an international embarrassment. Something has got to change. Sydney can't go on like this. No other city in the World removes or denies entry to patrons from pubs and clubs like Sydney does. Tourists are either laughing at us, or they are simply confused. The owners of bars like Marquee and concerned Sydney-siders like myself, need to send a clear message to our state government that the unnesscary restrictions placed on our freedoms is simply not on. We all need to come together and free Sydney from the over regulation of the nanny state. Long live Marquee and long live Sydney.