Institutional and Academic Subscriptions

The New York Review of Books is available for institutions and public libraries providing library patrons, researchers, and employees with unlimited simultaneous access to over 50 years’ worth of fully searchable material (including over 1,000 back issues and over 20,000 articles, reviews, letters and original essays). The New York Review of Books archives are a valuable resource for all booklovers including scholars, students, and writers.

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For Institutions

  Big library
(over 3500 FTE)
Savings Small library
(under 3500 FTE)
1 year $975 $925
3 years $2,625 ($875/year) 10% $2,460 ($820/year) 11%
5 years $3,800 ($760/year) 22% $3,600 ($720/year) 22%

Public Library Pricing

Population Served Annual Rate
Less than 100,000 $150
100,000–399,999 $200
400,000–749,999 $400
over 750,000 $925

To set up a free trial or for other questions about the service, please contact Janis Harden at or (601) 354-5306.

You may also want to review our standard license agreement (PDF).