
What Trump Is Throwing Out the Window

The Field of Fight: How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies by Michael T. Flynn and Michael Ledeen

The Big Stick: The Limits of Soft Power and the Necessity of Military Force by Eliot A. Cohen

A World in Disarray: American Foreign Policy and the Crisis of the Old Order by Richard Haass

‘Fuck’-ing Around

What the F: What Swearing Reveals About Our Language, Our Brains, and Ourselves by Benjamin K. Bergen

In Praise of Profanity by Michael Adams

Jesuits Admirable and Execrable

The Berrigan Letters: Personal Correspondence Between Daniel and Philip Berrigan edited by Daniel Cosacchi and Eric Martin

American Jesuits and the World: How an Embattled Religious Order Made Modern Catholicism Global by John T. McGreevy

Edmund Campion: A Scholarly Life by Gerard Kilroy

Edmund Campion by Evelyn Waugh

The First Jesuits by John W. O’Malley, S.J.

The Jesuits: A History From Ignatius to the Present by John W. O’Malley, S.J.

The Mission: A Film Journal by Daniel Berrigan, S.J.

The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Rise of Fascism in Europe by David I. Kertzer


Joan Acocella is a staff writer for The New Yorker. Her most recent book is Twenty-eight Artists and Two Saints. She is writing a biography of Mikhail Baryshnikov. (February 2017)

Colin B. Bailey is Director of the Morgan Library and Museum. His books include Patriotic Taste: Collecting ­Modern Art in Pre-Revolutionary Paris, which was awarded the 2004 Mitchell Prize, and Fragonard’s Progress of Love at the Frick Collection. (February 2017)

John Banville’s most recent novel is The Blue Guitar. (February 2017)

Ian Buruma is a Professor at Bard and the author of many books about Japan. His latest book, Their Promised Land: My Grandparents in Love and War, was published in paperback in January. (February 2017)

James Fenton is a British poet and literary critic. From 1994 until 1999, he was Oxford Professor of Poetry; in 2015 he was awarded the PEN Pinter Prize. He lived in the Philippines from 1986 until 1989 and has previously written about the country for The New York Review.
 (February 2017)

Jerome Groopman is the Recanati Professor of ­Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Chief of Experimental Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. 
He has published more than 180 scientific articles, is a staff writer at The New Yorker, and, most recently, is the coauthor with ­Pamela Hartzband of Your Medical Mind: How to Decide What Is Right for You. (February 2017)

Adam Kirsch is the Director of the master’s program in Jewish Studies at Columbia. His most recent book is 
The ­People and the Books: 18 Classics of Jewish Literature.
 (February 2017)

Fiona Maccarthy’s most recent book is The Last Pre-Raphaelite: Edward Burne-Jones and the Victorian Imagination. (February 2017)

Jessica T. Mathews was President of the Carnegie ­Endowment for International Peace from 1997 until 2015 and is now a Distinguished Fellow there. She has served in the State ­Department and on the National Security Council staff in the White House.
 (February 2017)

Bill McKibben is the founder of, the Schumann Distinguished Scholar at Middlebury, and the author, most recently, of Oil and Honey: The Education of an Unlikely Activist. (February 2017)

Andrew J. Nathan is the Class of 1919 Professor of ­Political Science at Columbia. He is the author of China’s Search for ­Security, cowritten with Andrew Scobell, and is the coeditor of The ­Tiananmen Papers. (February 2017)

Charlie Savage is a Washington Correspondent for The New York Times. His latest book is Power Wars: Inside Obama’s Post–9/11 Presidency.
 (February 2017)

Cathleen Schine’s most recent novel is They May Not Mean To, But They Do. (February 2017)

Garry Wills is Professor of History Emeritus at Northwestern. He is the author, most recently, of The Future of the Catholic Church with Pope Francis. (February 2017)