Martin Garbus is an attorney who has represented Andrei Sakharov, Václav Havel, the African National Congress and Nelson Mandela, Amnesty International, and the ACLU in issues involving free speech and human rights. (December 2016)


America’s Invisible Inferno

Hell Is a Very Small Place: Voices from Solitary Confinement

edited by Jean Casella, James Ridgeway, and Sarah Shourd, with an afterword by Juan E. Méndez
Approximately 400,000 people in our prison population move in and out of solitary, and many of America’s over two million prisoners know they can be put in solitary even if they are jailed for the most minor offenses. Between 80,000 and 120,000 men and women are held in solitary confinement every day. There is no legal process that gets them there and no legal process that can prevent them from being put there.

New Mag in Moscow

Sergei Grigoryants, who was released this February after serving ten of the last thirteen years in the severest Soviet prisons, is testing the limits of glasnost. He is courageously publishing in the Soviet Union a magazine called Glasnost that contains political, literary, cultural, and religious writings of a kind not …

South African Justice

I would like to comment on some of the developments following my article, “South Africa: The Death of Justice,” in the August 4 issue. Contrary to the predictions of most of the observers I talked to in Johannesburg, Breyten Breytenbach was acquitted by the judge on the main charges of …

South Africa: The Death of Justice

Two of the most important trials in Africa’s history are taking place in Pretoria, South Africa. One represents South Africa’s past, the second its future. Each trial is very different and yet both tell the same story. They show that reason and hope are disappearing in South Africa—that there is …