International Investment Position
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For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070.

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Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia (5302.0)

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Balance of payments and international investment position statistics are produced using information from a wide range of data sources. These include administrative data from various government organisations and ABS survey data. Typically, administrative data are collected for reasons other than statistical analysis, such as administration and enforcement of government policy.

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The conceptual framework used in compiling these statistics is the International Monetary Fund's Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual Sixth Edition (BPM6). Descriptions of the underlying concepts and structure of the balance of payments and the sources, methods and terms used in compiling the estimates are presented in Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 1998 (cat. no. 5331.0). This version of the document reflects the international standards prior to the BPM6. The Concepts, Sources and Methods for the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position was partially revised in early 2011 to align with the BPM6. Further updates are planned over the rest of the year and in 2012. A revised Concepts, Sources and Methods for the Goods Account was released on 8 March 2011.

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Other series adjustments and measures such as Chain Volume Measures and Implicit Price Indicators are used on these statistical series. For more information, see the relevant section of the Explanatory Notes.

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The seasonally adjusted statistics in this publication use the concurrent seasonal adjustment technique and Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) modelling to estimate factors for the current and previous quarters. Under concurrent seasonal adjustment, the estimates of seasonal factors are fine tuned as new or revised original estimates become available each period. The seasonally adjusted estimates are subject to revisions at each reference quarter as the estimates of seasonal factors are improved. For more information, see the relevant section of the Explanatory Notes.

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International Investment PositionContact person/organisation

For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070.

Data source(s) used

Balance of payments and international investment position statistics are produced using information from a wide range of data sources. These include administrative data from various government organisations and ABS survey data. Typically, administrative data are collected for reasons other than statistical analysis, such as administration and enforcement of government policy.

Direct source

Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia (5302.0)

Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia
Source Periodicity


Geographic coverage

Australia's economic territory, on a balance of payments and international investment position basis, is the area under the effective control of the Australian government. It includes the land area, airspace, territorial waters, including jurisdiction over fishing rights and rights to fuels and minerals. Australian economic territory also includes territorial enclaves in the rest of the world. These are clearly demarcated areas of land, located in other countries and which are owned or rented by the Australian government for diplomatic, military, scientific or other purposes. For more information, see the relevant section of the Explanatory Notes.

Explanatory Notes
Key statistical concept

The conceptual framework used in compiling these statistics is the International Monetary Fund's Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual Sixth Edition (BPM6). Descriptions of the underlying concepts and structure of the balance of payments and the sources, methods and terms used in compiling the estimates are presented in Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, Australia: Concepts, Sources and Methods, 1998 (cat. no. 5331.0). This version of the document reflects the international standards prior to the BPM6. The Concepts, Sources and Methods for the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position was partially revised in early 2011 to align with the BPM6. Further updates are planned over the rest of the year and in 2012. A revised Concepts, Sources and Methods for the Goods Account was released on 8 March 2011.

Concepts Sources and Methods
Classification(s) used

For classifications used on these statistical data, please see the relevant section of the Explanatory Notes.

Explanatory Notes
Seasonal adjustment

The seasonally adjusted statistics in this publication use the concurrent seasonal adjustment technique and Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) modelling to estimate factors for the current and previous quarters. Under concurrent seasonal adjustment, the estimates of seasonal factors are fine tuned as new or revised original estimates become available each period. The seasonally adjusted estimates are subject to revisions at each reference quarter as the estimates of seasonal factors are improved. For more information, see the relevant section of the Explanatory Notes.

Explanatory Notes
Other manipulations

Other series adjustments and measures such as Chain Volume Measures and Implicit Price Indicators are used on these statistical series. For more information, see the relevant section of the Explanatory Notes.

Explanatory Notes
Quality comments

For the quality aspects of these statistical series, see the Quality Declaration page of this publication.

Quality Declaration