‘Noise-cancelling headphones may bring back the peace’ – our work expert responds

Our careers expert – and you the readers – help a worker deal with music in the office and come up with ideas on how to survive Brexit with a home study course
Headphones could be the diplomatic answer to blocking out background music.
Headphones could be the diplomatic answer to blocking out background music. Photograph: Plantronics

Silence in the workplace would be music to my ears – but my colleagues disagree

I work in the small software development arm of a large retailer (the head office is based elsewhere). The new HR executive has decided that the office is too quiet and has suggested that having music could liven it up and create a more collaborative environment.

One might think this an excellent idea, but now it is being trialled it has become apparent that there are significant drawbacks (for a minority of the workforce, including me).

The kind of work we do is quite demanding and we are constantly under pressure to meet deadlines. We have always been (and still are) able to listen to music using headphones. But I am finding it really hard to concentrate with Radio 1 playing in the background, even at low volume. I feel that the quality of my work, and the speed of delivery, is definitely going to suffer if I am to endure 7.5 hrs of “white noise” a day. 

I feel the company is genuinely trying to create a “happy environment” so when I have made my objections known I feel that I am seen as the weird, socially awkward “killjoy”. In an extensive email to the HR executive I made the point that, unlike music, silence can’t just be switched on, on demand.

What would restore my peace and quiet, and my right to silence, whilst keeping my music–loving colleagues happy? Am I allowed to retaliate by making others listen to The Archers every last Friday of the month?

Jeremy says

Your last sentence – and I do realise it was written with tongue firmly in cheek – uses the word “retaliate”. And a sense of division is exactly what you must try to prevent. Smaller issues than this have been known to cause poisonous effects on office atmospheres.

I fully understand your point of view. It’s an entirely reasonable one – but you must be very careful to present it in an entirely reasonable way. I may be doing you an injustice, but your “extensive email to the HR executive” may have been seen, perhaps unfairly, as banging on about it. And that’s a risk you run. Once this incessant music has got to you, and your protestations have got nowhere, it can all become something of an obsession.

Among your workforce, the majority would seem to be in favour of background music. You’re unlikely, therefore, to get the practice discontinued; and some would say, nor should you. As a member of the minority, it’s up to you to take whatever action you can to minimise the detrimental effect that this can have on the quality of your work.

I suggest that you go online and research noise-cancelling earphones – or even better, perhaps, earbuds. They’re not that expensive, they’re not obtrusive, you won’t need to wear them all the time. And, if your HR department has any sense of fairness, it should buy them on your behalf and thank you for being so accommodating.

Readers say

Can you politely point out that music is very subjective so when it comes to tastes the choice can be detrimental to productivity? bluehamster

Ask if the company has a PRS/PPL licence. If it doesn’t and it’s a requirement, once it realises what it costs to play music in the office, it may just be turned off. shaukat abbas

“And after the news Ferne will play the same five songs in a different order.”

It’s a trial, make sure you sound out other people who share your sentiments, and get them to also complain. FatherChewyLouie

Changes to the working environment should be based on feedback, not picked out of the air. An HR professional should be able to understand that people work differently, and that some will find this distracting. laurajaynewoodhouse

It should be something everyone wants, or not at all... people who want music can listen to it on their own earphones. If there is too much pushback, suggest it only plays a few hours a day as a compromise. Is there any employment law around this sort of thing? Ask your HR person whether this would be a case of bullying/harassment or an attempt to get you to leave the company against your will. Thewrongdoer

Get some noise-cancelling headphones. Not just over-ear headphones, proper noise-cancelling ones. franwill

The Brexit vote has put my job at risk – which careers can I study from home?

I’ve spent the past 12 years working on projects all funded by the European Social Fund, supporting various “hard to reach” client groups. 

Due to the nature of funding, these have been short-term three- or four-year contracts. My current contract has two and a half years to run. 

Due to Brexit and having a young family I would like to start moving towards a career with greater stability by studying from home while continuing to work. I’ve found Open University degrees in law and psychology that, after further training, lead to solid careers. Are there any additional career paths possible by studying from home?

Jeremy says

In theory, there’s an almost infinite choice of careers open to those who study for them at home. You’ve mentioned two offered by the Open University, but there are many more. Rather looking for a menu of available courses, I think you’d be much better advised, initially, to devote time and thought to trying to establish what kind of career most appeals – and for which you think you may have a particular aptitude. Your work with the European Social Fund projects must have provided you with a lot of variety and should help you identify your personal strengths, weaknesses and enthusiasms. Involve family and colleagues in this process of self-evaluation. I can’t over-emphasise the value of studying for something for which you have a natural enthusiasm – rather than one that ticks all the boxes. I know you put future stability high on your list – but do, please, go with the gut as well as with the calculator.

Only then should you start to research the opportunities available.

Readers say

If you’ve spent 12 years on project work I don’t see why you need a new degree. I only graduated seven years ago, but what I’ve done since then has been far more important in securing other jobs than a degree. FatherChewyLouie

“Hard to reach” client groups will still need support, irrespective of Brexit. It is up to the organisation you work for to negotiate new support from the government. Stay and keep a keen eye on the opportunities that will no doubt arise. Aranzazu

If by “working on projects” you mean project management, that is a career path. Qualification as a certified project manager can be achieved through self study. Look at the websites for the Association of Project Managers or the Project Management Institute. Tollgate

I believe the dole queue is largely filled by people with a law or psychology degree. Try finding the employment you want and asking the employer what would make you employable. peanhill

Do you need advice on a work issue? For Jeremy’s and readers’ help, send a brief email to dear.jeremy@theguardian.com. Please note that he is unable to answer questions of a legal nature or to reply personally.