State Government election statistics

Election statistics for State elections held across Victoria including state-wide demographics, voter participation, rates of informal voting and numbers of candidates.

State-wide demographics

At the 2011 Census, Victoria had the following characteristics:

Age - median: 37 years
Income - median weekly household income: $1,216
Birthplace - percentage born outside Australia: 31.4%
Mobility - percentage changing address since 2001 census: 39.11%
Unemployment - rate: 5.4%

State election results

Voter participation rates at State elections since 1999:

Election Lower House Upper House
2014 election      93.02%    93.01%
2010 election      92.96%    92.93%
2006 election      92.73%    92.73%
2002 election      93.15%    93.12%
1999 election      92.38%    92.38%

Rates of informal voting at State elections since 1999:

Election Lower House Upper House
2014 election      5.22%    3.43%
2010 election      4.96%    3.38%
2006 election      4.56%    4.28%
2002 election      3.42%    3.67%
1999 election      3.02%    3.37%

Numbers of candidates at State elections since 1999:

2014 election      896
2010 election      711
2006 election      707
2002 election      477
1999 election      406
1996 election      421
1992 election      444

See a list of all current members of the Lower House and members of the Upper House (external links).

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