State Elections since 1900

The dates and results of all elections for the Legislative Assembly since 1900.

Date Party Winning Election Comments
1 November 1900 Liberals McLean minority Conservative Liberal Government defeated; Turner minority Liberal Government takes office.
1 October 1902 Conservatives
1 June 1904 Conservatives
15 March 1907 Fusion The combined Conservatives and Liberals.
29 December 1908 Fusion Liberal Bent Conservative Government defeated; Murray Fusion Liberal Government takes office. The Fusion had broken up, but was re-formed when the Murray Government took office. The Fusion Liberals were the forerunners of today's Liberal Party.
16 November 1911 Liberal The Fusion Liberals had become known as the Liberal Party.
26 November 1914 Liberal
15 November 1917 Economy National Peacock minority National Government defeated; Bowser minority Economy National Government takes office. The Liberal Party had become known as the National Party during 1917. The party had split, and the "Economy" faction won the election.
21 October 1920 National The Lawson National Government (a combination of the Nationals, Economy Nationals and National Laborites) held office but lost its majority. Until 1952, no party won a majority.
30 August 1921 National Minority Government.
26 June 1924 Labor Peacock minority National Government defeated; Prendergast minority Labor Government takes office.
9 April 1927 Labor Allan Country-National Coalition Government defeated; Hogan minority Labor Government takes office.
30 November 1929 Labor McPherson minority National Government defeated; Hogan minority Labor Government takes office.
14 May 1932 United Australia - Country Coalition Hogan minority Labor Government defeated; Argyle United Australia - Country Coalition Government takes office. The National Party had changed its name to United Australia Party in 1931.
2 March 1935 United Australia - Country Coalition The coalition broke up less than a month after the election, and a minority Country government was formed.
2 October 1937 Country Minority Government
16 March 1940 Country Minority Government
12 June 1943 Country Minority Government
10 November 1945 Labor Macfarlan Ministerial Liberal Government defeated; Cain minority Labor Government takes office. The United Australia Party had changed its name to Liberal Party in 1945. The Ministerial Liberals were a dissident group of Liberals who had overthrown a Country-Liberal coalition.
8 November 1947 Liberal - Country Coalition Cain minority Labor Government defeated; Hollway Liberal - Country Coalition Government takes office. The Cain Government was forced to the polls when the Legislative Council blocked supply.
13 May 1950 Liberal and Country Minority Government. The Liberal Party had changed its name to Liberal and Country Party in 1949. The minority Liberal and Country Government was replaced by a minority Country Government less than two months after the election.
6 December 1952 Labor McDonald minority Country Government defeated; Cain Labor Government takes office. The McDonald Government was forced to the polls when the Legislative Council (Labor and dissident Liberals combined) blocked Supply. The Cain Government was the first majority Labor Government in Victoria's history.
28 May 1955 Liberal and Country Cain minority Labor Government defeated; Bolte Liberal and Country Government takes office. The Cain Government had lost its majority as a result of a split in the ALP. The split led to the election which ushered in 27 years of Liberal Government.
31 May 1958 Liberal and Country
15 July 1961 Liberal and Country
27 June 1964 Liberal and Country
29 April 1967 Liberal The Liberal and Country Party had changed its name to Liberal Party in 1965.
30 May 1970 Liberal
19 May 1973 Liberal
20 March 1976 Liberal
5 May 1979 Liberal
3 April 1982 Labor Thompson Liberal Government defeated; Cain Labor Government takes office.
2 March 1985 Labor
1 October 1988 Labor
3 October 1992 Liberal-National Coalition Kirner Government defeated; the Kennett Government takes office.
30 March 1996 Liberal-National Coalition
18 September 1999 Labor Kennett Liberal-National Coalition Government defeated. Bracks minority Labor Government takes office.
30 November 2002 Labor
25 November 2006 Labor John Brumby took over as Premier in July 2007 after Steve Bracks quit the re-elected Bracks Government.
27 November 2010 Liberal-National Coalition Brumby Government defeated. The Baillieu Government takes office.
29 November 2014 Labor Napthine Government defeated. The Andrews Government takes office.
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