Historical electoral events

A comprehensive list of electoral events in Victoria since 1855.

Year Event
1851 First Legislative Council election.
1856 Victoria becomes the first State in the world to adopt the secret ("Australian") ballot.
1857 All men gain the right to vote and stand for the Legislative Assembly.
1870 Payment of Members of Legislative Assembly introduced.
1877-78 Supply blocked - constitutional crisis.
1891 Labor Party created.
First Chief Electoral Inspector appointed.
1899 One man one vote for Legislative Assembly.
1900 First postal vote for Legislative Assembly.
1908 Women get the vote.
1909 Fusion Liberal Party (forerunner of Liberal Party) formed.
1911 Preferential voting for Legislative Assembly.
1913 George Elmslie forms first Labor government.
1916 Labor Party splits over conscription.
Victorian Farmers' Union (forerunner of National Party) created.
1921 Preferential voting for Legislative Council.
1923 Women able to run for Parliament.
Compulsory enrolment introduced.
1926 Voting for Legislative Assembly compulsory.
1927 Absentee voting for Legislative Assembly.
1933 First woman elected to Legislative Assembly.
1935 Compulsory and absentee voting introduced in Legislative Council elections.
1937 One man one vote for Legislative Council.
1947 Legislative Council refuses supply of money.
Cain Government forced to polls and defeated.
1950 All adults to vote for the Legislative Council.
1952 Election of first majority Labor government, under John Cain (senior).
1955 Labor splits: Democratic Labor Party (Anti-Communist) formed in 1958.
Beginning of 27 years of Liberal government.
1965 Liberal and Country Party renamed Liberal Party.
1972 Sir Henry Bolte completes record 17 year term as Premier.
1973 Qualifying age for voting and membership of the Victorian Parliament lowered to 18 years.
1979 First women elected to the Legislative Council.
1982 Election of first Labor government to last more than a term of Parliament, under John Cain (Jnr.)
First woman Victorian Cabinet Minister.
One vote, one value through equal electorates; end of rural weighting.
1984 Terms of Legislative Assembly increased to maximum of four years, with a minimum of three years.
Seventeen year olds able to enrol provisionally.
1990 Joan Kirner becomes Victoria's first woman Premier.
1992 Kennett Liberal/National Party Coalition elected.
Record number of candidates stand for Legislative Assembly (362).
1997 Record number of candidates stand for a single electorate (17) at the Mitcham by-election.
2002 New Electoral Act revises Victorian electoral legislation.
2006 Electronically Assisted Voting pilot.
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