How to vote

For State and Local council attendance elections, a number of election day and early voting centres are established.

At the voting centre on election day Read this page in Easy English

Most people vote at voting centres on election day.

Voting centre locations

Details on voting centre locations are provided on this website during elections.

For State elections, this includes the details of interstate and overseas voting centres should you be travelling on election day or during the early voting period.

EasyVote Guide

Electors will also receive an EasyVote Guide in the mail that lists all the voting centres in their electorate.

What happens when I get there?

If you vote at the voting centre, you will be directed to an election official who will ask for your name and address, and if you have already voted in the election. The election official will also:

  • confirm your electorate;
  • mark your name on the electoral roll to indicate that you've voted; and
  • issue you with ballot papers.

You will then be directed to one of the voting screens set up around the room so you can fill in your ballot papers privately. Then you place your ballot papers in the ballot box.

Election officials are available to help voters who have questions about the voting process or who may have difficulty voting. Please see the assistance for voters page for further details about extra services that the VEC offers.

Voting by post

Postal vote information can be found on our postal voting page.

Electronic voting

Information on our electronic voting can be viewed on our Electronically assisted voting page.

Further information

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