
John Silvester

John Silvester is a Walkley-award winning crime writer and columnist. A co-author of the best-selling books that formed the basis of the hit Australian TV series Underbelly, Silvester is also a regular guest on 3AW with his "Sly of the Underworld" segment.


Can a new TV show catch killers?

I had lunch with some old homicide detectives the other day, which seemed appropriate because by 6pm the table resembled a crime scene after one knucklehead spilled a bottle of red over me (luckily he missed the cheese).

Justice is a slow moving beast in the 21st century.

Twelve steps to government

I had a brief chat with a government minister at a social event the other day. This was unusual for two reasons: 1) I don't get out much and 2) most would rather take on the Apex gang in their own lounge room than get cornered in a conversation with me.