Federal Politics


Hypocrisy, thy name is politics

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It is among the more glaring ironies that professional politicians tend to recoil in horror when accused of "playing politics".

But it's an accusation as frequently made in Canberra as it turns out to be correct.

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Renewable blame game

The Liberal Party has been accused by Labor of lying about the reason for South Australia's blackouts by blaming renewable energy, something Malcolm Turnbull rejects. Courtesy ABC News 24.

A couple of redolent examples floated to the top of the national cesspit on Monday.

Attorney-General George Brandis noted that this was the very day he would have introduced a bill to legalise same-sex marriage, assuming a plebiscite had returned a yes verdict on Saturday February 11.

His point? Were it not for the ALP blocking the public vote, an overdue social reform could now be a reality.

Labor, meanwhile was doing a bit of accusing of its own, branding as nakedly political the Turnbull government's depiction of last year's South Australian state-wide blackout and others since, as the results of too much renewable energy.


Wherever you stand on these issues, the accusers are correct.

Bill Shorten had, in the past, remarked that he was not opposed to a public vote on marriage equality. Yet now, it's an idea so foul, and a principle so fundamental, that the reform itself has become secondary, able to be denied indefinitely.

Rather than working with Malcolm Turnbull, who is trapped by a right wing threatening to go medieval if he tries another route, Labor is desperate to stop him being the one to get the reform done.

As Brandis noted, the claim that this "principled" intransigence has avoided an uncomfortable public debate is fatuous. At best it has delayed such discourse. At worst, prolonged it.

Same-sex couples are now penned within a triangular vacuum with virtuous Coalition-hating reform campaigners holding one corner, conservative naysayers holding another, and an ALP opposition on the third point, championing a reform it is actively denying.

As politics drifts ever rightward, progressives may come to rue not having taken an available path to popular approval. One that would also have been robust and irreversible in a way that other legislated changes might not.

On the SA blackouts, the government is engaging in sophistry by claiming it had always acknowledged that the September 28 storm had brought down towers and transmission wires. Of course it had.

But politics is about perceptions and the clear message federal ministers had conveyed in the hours and days after the storm was that renewables were somehow culpable.

Despite early independent counsel to the contrary, they introduced the suggestion of renewables and kept that narrative going.

A semantic defence claiming the storm had been acknowledged from the beginning will be seen by voters as disingenuous.

In other words, pure politics.

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