An American from the German Democratic Republic

– dialogue with Victor Grossman, commentator on German and European politics and occasional writer in Scottish Left Review.

Take Note – this is what we are about!

We reprint from the back cover of the first edition of Scottish Left Review (September/October 2000), the founding statement.

100 editions down – here’s to next 100!

Scottish Left Review interviewed its founding stalwart, Bob Thomson, on the past, present and future of the magazine.

Energy consultations and election concerns

Gordon Morgan surveys the possibilities in the current energy consultations.

Update from the Jimmy Reid Foundation

News, events, publications and donations please!

Tam Dalyell – an appreciation

Neil Findlay recalls a friend and mentor.

What does revolution look like?

William Bonnar examines what happened in revolutionary Russia.

How the revolution unfolded

Dave Sherry looks at the achievements of the new order.

Did Neo-liberalism triumph?

Pat Kelly looks at the impact of the implosion of Soviet socialism.

Red October and Scotland

John Foster recounts the roots of Red Clydeside and the influence of the October revolution.