Alan Sunderland

Alan Sunderland is acting head of People at the ABC and is the ABC's head of editorial policy. He has previously worked as the head of policy and staff development with ABC News. A journalist for 32 years, he began as an ABC cadet in 1979 before spending more than 20 years as an on-the-road reporter with the ABC and SBS. His experience includes five years as political editor with SBS in Canberra, and two Walkley Awards for news reporting. He returned to the ABC, and to news management, in 2005.

Editorial Policies

  1. In defence of Sarah Ferguson and open scrutiny

    ABC News doesn't believe Sarah Ferguson's budget interview with Joe Hockey breached any editorial guidelines. So how did that become the headline?

  2. The story is the boats, not the ABC

    Navy personnel have been involved in dangerous events on the open seas, but some news outlets who should be chasing that story are instead fixated on the ABC's reporting.