• Apology to Cardinal George Pell

    Posted June 20, 2014 15:14:39 | Updated June 25, 2014 11:02:58

    Local Radio, Canberra. On 10 June, 2014  666 ABC Canberra Breakfast presenter Philip Clark  made comments in relation to Cardinal George Pell  in an interview with   Mr Francis Sullivan, CEO of the Truth Justice and Healing Council.

    On 18th June,  Philip Clark read the following apology on air:

    "On 10 June 2014 I made comments during this program which were critical of Cardinal George Pell and his role in the handling of child sexual abuse claims by the Catholic Church and also his subsequent appointment to a role in the Vatican. My comments about these matters were inaccurate and defamatory and I wish to retract them. The ABC and I apologise to Cardinal Pell for the harm caused to him."

  • Singaporean blogger

    Posted June 19, 2014 16:57:27 | Updated June 19, 2014 17:17:33

    PM: On June 17, in a story about a Singaporean blogger being sued for defamation, the ABC incorrectly stated Roy Ngergn was being sued by the Prime Minister of Singapore for criminal defamation and faced a jail term.  He is in fact facing a civil lawsuit which does not carry the threat of imprisonment. View the report.

  • Aborigines Progressive Association

    Posted June 18, 2014 16:48:00 | Updated June 18, 2014 16:56:06

    730 NSW:  On 13 June, in a story about the Aborigines Progressive Association, the ABC omitted to warn Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers that it contained images and voices of people who have died. We apologise to any viewers who may have been distressed.

  • Drugs in prison

    Posted June 16, 2014 18:03:56

    7.30:  On June 9, in a story about a woman who died from a heroin overdose in prison, the ABC included comments from Kat Armstrong. The NSW coroner later found that Ms Armstrong was a “most unsatisfactory witness”.

  • Little Cherry Virus

    Posted June 11, 2014 15:27:03

    Country Hour – ABC Rural, Tasmania

     An article published on the ABC Rural website on 9 April 2014 entitled “New Concern for Little Cherry Virus” has been amended to clarify information about the origin of the virus and how it may have been introduced.

  • Edward Snowden interviewed in Brazil

    Posted June 06, 2014 09:25:13

    News Online: An earlier version of the story "Edward Snowden: Former intelligence contractor interviewed in Brazil" reported that Edward Snowden had told Globo TV he was in possession of more sensitive documents. In fact, he told Globo he has no more documents to offer. Instead, journalist Glenn Greenwald, who was part of the interview, told Globo there are more revelations about the activities of intelligence agencies to come.

  • Peter Reed

    Posted June 05, 2014 14:08:59

    Trigger Point, ABC1: In Episode 1, broadcast on 1 June 2014, former armed robbery squad detective Mark Wylie stated that Peter Reed was found guilty of his attempted murder. This is not entirely correct. Reed shot and seriously wounded Wylie during a raid on Anzac Day 1986. Police returned fire and wounded Reed. Reed was acquitted of the attempted murder of the policeman he shot but convicted of the attempted murder of the policeman standing next to Wylie during the raid. He was also convicted over armed robbery and false imprisonment charges. He was sentenced to 13 years, with a minimum of 11, over the attempted murder of police and 12 years, with a minimum of eight, for the armed robberies.

  • Death of Bassem Sabry

    Posted June 03, 2014 16:38:45 | Updated June 10, 2014 10:37:05

    Religion and Ethics Portal: On 16th May 2014, changes were made to an article on the site which should not have been made. They were later corrected.

  • Dr Rateb Jneid

    Posted May 30, 2014 16:19:49 | Updated May 30, 2014 16:22:51

    News Online: The ABC has and continues to report on a situation in Western Australia which has involved charges being laid following an alleged drugs seizure. The ABC wishes to clarify that Western Australia Islamic Council President Dr Rateb Jneid has not been charged with drug offences of any kind.

  • Apology to Jane Holden

    Posted May 30, 2014 15:40:10 | Updated May 30, 2014 16:12:32

    7pm TV News, Tasmania: On 29 May 2014, the 7pm news in Hobart ran a story about the Integrity Commission which appeared to suggest that Jane Holden gave her husband the opportunity to review interview questions and model answers for a job.

    This is wrong.

    Ms Holden’s quote used in the story did not relate to the issue about her husband receiving answers. Ms Holden was in fact not aware her husband had been given the answers until she was interviewed by the Integrity Commission.

    The ABC wishes to apologise to Ms Holden.

  • Drug tests

    Posted May 30, 2014 15:26:33 | Updated June 16, 2014 17:40:54

    7pm TV News, Tasmania; News Online; Local Radio:   On May 5 and 6, the ABC reported that Tasmania Police were seeking changes to the Police Service Act to allow blood samples to be taken from police for drugs testing and that saliva tests cannot be used to distinguish between some illicit and legal drugs. That was not accurate; saliva tests are used for drug testing and the changes being sought are for a second saliva test, which can distinguish between different related drugs. Tasmania Police currently may also ask officers to submit to a blood test but cannot compel them.  Random alcohol testing of officers is being conducted by an independent contractor until changes can be made to the Act.

    Further, although the views of Tasmania Police were canvassed for the story, the ABC acknowledges that not all relevant questions were put to the Commissioner of Police at the time. View related story.

  • University debt

    Posted May 30, 2014 15:07:27 | Updated May 30, 2014 16:19:49

    The World Today:  On May 29, in a story about the length of time it takes to repay university debt, the ABC based the story on modelling by the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education.  The modelling claimed that under the Coalition Government's proposed deregulated fee system a student with a debt of $50,000 and an average life time salary of $80,000, would take around 43 years to repay the debt.   

    The author of the study has subsequently revised the Centre’s data modelling, and has concluded the correct duration for debt repayment is 11 years, not 43. As a consequence, The World Today believes the revised data does not support the conclusions of the story aired on 29 May. We apologise for the story.

  • Catalyst Program

    Posted May 12, 2014 12:08:01

    PM: On October 31st 2013, in a story about the Catalyst program discussing statins, cholesterol and heart disease, PM interviewed Catalyst reporter Dr Maryanne Dimasi, who said that when the scientific literature discussed in the program was presented to the National Heart Foundation, the Foundation was ‘supportive’ of it. The program has since clarified that there are in fact clear and significant areas of disagreement between the National Heart Foundation (NHF) and the views presented in the Catalyst programs. It was not accurate to state that the NHF supported all the scientific literature presented to them by the program.  View the report.

  • Heart of the Matter

    Posted May 12, 2014 11:13:22 | Updated May 12, 2014 11:22:56

    Catalyst, ABC1: In October 2013, Catalyst aired a two-part program dealing with statins, cholesterol and heart disease. Following a number of complaints, the ABC’s independent Audience and Consumer Affairs Unit investigated the programs. While acknowledging the importance of public health issues relating to the efficacy of heart disease treatment and the contrasting opinions of highly-qualified scientists, the A&CA has concluded that some parts of the program breached ABC standards on impartiality. Accordingly, the programs have been removed from the ABC website. A statement from the Managing Director can be found here. The full investigation report can be viewed here.

  • Temora Council

    Posted May 08, 2014 07:29:56

    7.30 NSW:  On March 14, in a story about a student project looking into transparency and accountability of local councils, one of the students interviewed stated that Temora Council had spent $1,700 on a dinner.  The council contacted the ABC to clarify that its long standing policy is that meal and alcohol expenses are first paid with council finances and then later repaid by councillors through a sundry debtor scheme.  While the $1,700 dinner expenditure cited in the broadcast was accurate, it was repaid through this process.  View the report.

  • ICAC allegations

    Posted May 06, 2014 12:59:53 | Updated May 12, 2014 14:49:29

    Brisbane Local Radio:  At 5.30 pm on 16 April, during a conversation between presenters the ABC News presenter stated that it was “telling” that Premier Campbell Newman hadn’t fronted the cameras to answer questions about a $5000 donation.  In fact, press conferences held by the Premier at the time focussed on Cyclone Ita and ICAC matters had not been raised by the journalists present.  The ABC did not mean to suggest that Premier Newman had something to hide.

  • Apology to Mr Chris Kenny

    Posted April 14, 2014 13:04:45 | Updated April 14, 2014 13:30:04

    The Hamster Decides, ABC1: In September 2013, the program broadcast a skit which referred to Mr Chris Kenny, a journalist and columnist for The Australian newspaper.

    ABC Managing Director Mark Scott has apologised to Mr Kenny for the skit, saying it fell short of the quality demanded by the ABC audience. Mr Scott had earlier described the skit as ‘tasteless and undergraduate’.

    Mr Scott’s full statement can be read at about.abc.net.au/press-releases/apology-to-mr-chris-kenny

  • Apology to Mr Stephen Nibbs

    Posted April 08, 2014 09:50:50

    A story entitled ‘Carpet Baggers “Exploiting” indigenous artists’, placed on the ABC’s website in July 2008, quoted Mr Stephen Nibbs on describing his work as an art dealer.

    The ABC wishes to clarify that any criticisms made in that story were not directed to Mr Nibbs and apologises if the story was understood to imply any criticism of him.

  • 1967 Referendum

    Posted April 01, 2014 12:39:52

    The Art of Australia, ABC1: In the final episode of The Art of Australia, broadcast on 5 November 2013, the narrator erroneously referred to Aboriginal Australians having been granted citizenship in 1967. In fact, the 1967 referendum enabled the Commonwealth to make laws with respect to Aboriginal Australians, and for Aboriginal Australians to be counted when determining population figures.

  • The Australian’s financial position

    Posted April 01, 2014 12:37:19

    Media Watch, ABC1: On 17 February 2014, Media Watch reported “Insiders tell Media Watch that The Australian is losing $40 million to $50 million a year”. The Australian subsequently informed Media Watch that the cited figure was incorrect. Media Watch broadcast a follow-up story on 24 February to acknowledge and clarify this, and then an online correction on 26 February setting out the facts as they had been established. The correction explained that the $40 to $50 million figure was indeed too high, but the newspaper has not made a profit since the GFC in 2008, it is likely to lose around $15 million in 2013-14, and it appears to have lost around $30 million in 2012-13. The original story is available online.

  • RN Background Briefing Sunday 16 February

    Posted March 31, 2014 15:07:39

    RN Background Briefing: An incorrect reference to “B-Double” on Sunday 16 February was removed from the transcript of the program and the audio for streaming, download and repeat broadcast was changed to reflect the edit. The change was acknowledged in an Editor’s note on the BB web page:

    The article originally said the truck in the Princes Highway accident was a B-Double. That was incorrect, it was a tanker with a single trailer.

  • Bougainville visit

    Posted March 31, 2014 14:47:50

    PM, Australian Network, News Online: January 23, 2014 when covering the official visit of Papua New Guinea Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill, to the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, the ABC reported that he was the first PNG prime minister to visit since the civil war ended in 1997.  Rather, he is the first Prime Minister to visit the North, Central and South regions of the island since the conflict ended.  View related story on PM and Australia Network News.

  • P-8A Poseidon acquisition

    Posted March 31, 2014 14:39:58

    7pm TV News: On February 21, in a story about the Australian Defence Force purchasing P-8A Poseidon aircraft, the ABC reported that the acquisition process commenced under the former Labor Government. In fact, the process has spanned no fewer than five Governments, commencing under Prime Minister John Howard.