Roe v Wade: Norma McCorvey, plaintiff in landmark abortion case, dies aged 69

Updated February 19, 2017 12:41:36

Norma McCorvey, the anonymous plaintiff known as Jane Roe in the US Supreme Court's landmark Roe v Wade ruling legalising abortion, has died at the age of 69, a journalist close to Ms McCorvey said.

Ms McCorvey died on Saturday morning of heart failure at an assisted living home in Katy, Texas, said Joshua Prager, a journalist who is writing a book about the decision.

The Early Years

Ms McCorvey was born in Louisiana, spending part of her childhood in the small village of Lettsworth.

Her family then moved to Houston and later Dallas, where in I Am Roe she recounted stealing money at the age of 10 from the gas station where she worked afternoons and weekends and running away to Oklahoma City before being returned home by police.

She was eventually sent to a state reform school for girls in the northern Texas town of Gainesville, living there from the age of 11 to 15.

She married at the age of 16, but separated shortly after while she was pregnant.

She says her mother tricked her into signing away custody of her firstborn and then threw her out of the house.

"My mom screamed, 'What did a lesbian know about raising a child?' I lost my child, and my home," she told the AP in 1998.

She gave a second child up for adoption, but when she got pregnant a third time she decided to have an abortion.

She said she couldn't afford to travel to one of the handful of states where it would have been legal.

In I Am Roe, she said her adoption attorney put her in touch with Texas lawyers Linda Coffee and Sarah Weddington, who were seeking a woman to represent in a legal case to challenge the state's anti-abortion statute.

The Roe v Wade case

Ms McCorvey was 22, unmarried, unemployed and pregnant for the third time when in 1969 she sought to have an abortion in Texas, where the procedure was illegal except to save a woman's life.

The subsequent lawsuit, known as Roe v Wade, led to Supreme Court's 1973 ruling that established abortion rights — though by that time, McCorvey had given birth. She gave the "Roe" baby up for adoption.

The 1973 ruling has been the focus of a divisive political, legal and moral debate that has raged for decades in the United States.

It established that the US constitution protects the right of a woman to have an abortion until the point of viability.

The Supreme Court defined that as when the foetus "has the capability of meaningful life outside the mother's womb", generally at about 24 weeks into pregnancy.

The court also recognised a right to abortion after viability if necessary to protect the woman's life or health.

A complete turnaround

After the court's ruling, Ms McCorvey lived quietly for several years before revealing herself as Jane Roe in the 1980s. She also confessed to lying when she said the pregnancy was the result of rape.

Throughout the 1980s and into the 1990s, she remained an ardent supporter of abortion rights and worked for a time at a Dallas women's clinic where abortions were performed.

Trump on Roe v Wade

  • Efforts to overturn the decision are heating up with the election of Donald Trump as President and a conservative Congress.
  • Mr Trump has said abortion should be largely banned and also has pledged to defund Planned Parenthood — a women's healthcare provider that draws the ire of many Republicans because it provides abortions.
  • If the Supreme Court were to overrule Roe v Wade, the procedure would remain legal only where state laws allow it.

Her 1994 autobiography, I Am Roe: My Life, Roe v Wade, and Freedom of Choice, included abortion-rights sentiments along with details about dysfunctional parents, reform school, petty crime, drug abuse, alcoholism, an abusive husband, an attempted suicide and lesbianism.

But a year later, she was baptised before network TV cameras by a most improbable mentor: The Reverend Philip "Flip" Benham, leader of Operation Rescue, now known as Operation Save America.

"I don't believe in abortion even in an extreme situation. If the woman is impregnated by a rapist, it's still a child. You're not to act as your own God," she told The Associated Press in 1998.

Ms McCorvey joined the cause and staff of Reverend Benham, who had befriended her when the anti-abortion group moved next door to the clinic where she was working.

Ms McCorvey also said her religious conversion led her to give up her lover, Connie Gonzales. She said the relationship turned platonic in the early 1990s and that once she became a Christian she believed homosexuality was wrong.

She recounted her evangelical conversion and stand against abortion in the January 1998 book Won by Love, which ended with Ms McCorvey happily involved with Operation Rescue.

But by August of that year, she had changed faiths to Catholicism. Though she was still against abortion, she had left Operation Rescue, saying she had reservations about the group's confrontational style.

Ms McCorvey formed her own group, Roe No More Ministry, in 1997, and travelled around the US speaking out against abortion. In 2005, the Supreme Court rejected a challenge by Ms McCorvey to the 1973 Roe v Wade ruling.

In May 2009, she was arrested on trespassing charges after joining more than 300 anti-abortion demonstrators when former president Barack Obama spoke at the University of Notre Dame.

In July 2009, she was among demonstrators arrested for disrupting Sonia Sotomayor's Supreme Court nomination hearing.


Topics: death, community-and-society, abortion, united-states

First posted February 19, 2017 11:04:33