Adelaide man Marshall Flanagan attacked by shark at same spot as Mick Fanning 39 years earlier

Updated July 20, 2015 21:20:23

Australian surfing champ Mick Fanning's brush with death was all too familiar for one Adelaide man who was attacked by a shark in the same spot almost 40 years earlier.

Marshall Flanagan was "living the dream" as a surfing enthusiast in 1976 when he was travelling through South Africa.

"I'd been surfing since I was a child and as a consequence of that it seemed logical that we would go to South Africa and go down to Jeffreys Bay, which was legendary in terms of surfing," he said.

"I was living the dream, definitely, surfing every day."


Mr Flanagan said he can remember the day he was attacked vividly and the strange feeling he had just before the attack happened.

"I was actually surfing on my own at the time and was uncomfortable with what was happening around me, I just sensed something was wrong," he said.

"So I paddled across to the headland to where a group of friends were and started surfing there.

"When I was paddling out to one of the waves I paddled past a friend and as I did I went a little further and I heard him call out 'Marshall watch out, shark', which was totally incredulous to me."

At that moment, Mr Flanagan looked down to see a shark launch itself over his leg.

"It was that moment that I think we start to realise how we are going to react in this situation," he said.

"For me on the outside I was yelling and screaming and trying to get it off my leg, on the inside I was thinking about where I could hit this thing to get it to release me."

Like Fanning, Mr Flanagan managed to fight off the shark, punching it until it let go.

"So I had to find somewhere sensitive so after hitting away and thinking I'm not going to escape and in fact the thought was, 'I've bought the farm'," he said.

"Then I thought, no I'm 19, 20 years old, I've got too long to live and I reached down and hit down where I believed the snout was and then it let me go."

Once free, Mr Flanagan managed to paddle himself to shore, where his friends helped him along.

Tooth fragment removed after shark bite

The shark bite had cut down to Mr Flanagan's bone and left a fragment of its tooth in his knee, which was later removed.

When you're in the water all the time you've got to expect it. I got straight back in the water and I'm surfing to this day.

Shark attack survivor Marshall Flanagan

By examining the tooth, experts were able to determine Mr Flanagan had been attacked by a three to four-metre-long great white.

He was also bitten on the arm while he was trying to hit the shark, resulting in a hole about the size of a 50 cent piece, and had the tendons in his hand cut.

Mr Flanagan knows he is lucky to be alive today.

"Everything was in my favour that day including when I got out of the water, of course, friends came across and one of the chaps, bless his heart, in an effort not to panic me said I shouldn't panic it was a flesh wound," he said.

"We were both looking at it and I dared to suggest that it was a little worse than that."

Mr Flanagan said his double-thick wetsuit saved his life as it acted as a tourniquet and stopped the bleeding.

While the memory is still vivid in his mind, it never stopped Mr Flanagan from returning to the ocean.

"When you're in the water all the time you've got to expect it. I got straight back in the water and I'm surfing to this day," he said.

Despite that, Mr Flanagan said he was horrified when he saw the attack on Fanning unfold this morning.

Mr Flanagan said he thought organisers had done all they could to protect surfers.

He said shark attacks for surfers were "an occupational hazard" and sharks should not be hunted following an attack.

Topics: shark, animal-attacks, human-interest, surfing, wattle-park-5066, sa, south-africa

First posted July 20, 2015 16:24:29