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Coming Up - Monday, 20 February

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Monday, 13 February 2017

Blackouts, Childcare, and Migration

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Monday, 20 February 2017

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"The Oxford Dictioaries word-of-the-year was "post-truth". Today "fake-news" is a new phenomenon. Anyone who uses Cannabis or other "illegal" substances/drugs have known of and lived with post-truth/fake-news for decades. Cannabis causes schizophrenia, is a gateway drug, is dangerous and addictive...all ..." 17/02/2017 4:42:40 PM
"The rise of maverick leaders and independents such as Trump in the USA and One Nation or Jacqui Lambe here in Australia suggests a desire from people to want strong forthright leaders. Yet both major parties adjust policies based on ..." 17/02/2017 3:48:12 PM
"The NT Government has announced $80M to deal with youthjustice in the Territory. Community Development principles advocate that local community members know best how to fix their problems. How can we prevent this $80M territory-govt-bucket from becoming a free-for-all, or ..." 17/02/2017 1:50:58 PM
"Why is it that in a time when we supposedly have no money and we all need to a economise, or maybe that's just the LEANERS who are not contributing, did both the Government and the Opposition crossed the floor ..." 17/02/2017 1:15:21 PM
"Attorney-General: Community legal centres provide vital free legal help in a range of areas across Australia. They turn away over 160,000 people each year. What are you doing to reverse the looming 30% funding cut facing community legal centres from ..." 17/02/2017 12:55:27 PM
"This is an episode focusing on the NDIS yet there isn't a single disabled person on the panel - how comfortable do each of the panelists feel about this?" 17/02/2017 11:49:49 AM
"How important to you is honesty when answering questions which might be in contradiction of the policy of the ipolitical party you support?" 17/02/2017 11:49:07 AM
"Hello Why do you not repeat the Monday programme during the day in the following days? SOme of us can't stay up to watch it Thanks" 17/02/2017 11:31:12 AM
"Has this Government got a collective dose of unreality? Their stock-standard response to budget reform is to offer small budget tit-bits (ie. pharmacutecals, childcare) and pay for it (many times over) by slashing large budget items (ie. GP.s, Pathology, Family ..." 17/02/2017 11:24:50 AM
"Unbelievable? Senator McDonald's claims to be representing the voiceless past members in the retrospective clauses in the Gold Pass removal; but not him.? His concern would have been believable if he had been just as vocal on the unfairness of ..." 17/02/2017 11:04:08 AM
"To identify & eliminate any 'conflict of interest', & to ensure open & fair government: Why is it not essential that all politician's & policy makers involved in any decission making re the retention or aboliton of the current Negative ..." 17/02/2017 10:35:32 AM
"Without advocates, disadvantaged people have no voice. Governments are mandated to restore that voice. A critical aspect of this mandate is to properly fund public legal services to give disadvantaged people access to justice. The Productivity Commission recommended injecting $200m ..." 17/02/2017 10:15:27 AM
"Instead of making local Australian's tighten their belts, why don't we tax foreign corporations such as Google and Amazon?" 17/02/2017 10:02:20 AM
"Cannabis has been used legally for many thousands of years in culture, religion/spirituality, medicine and for recreation/relaxation. It's no longer acceptable to persecute a person based on their gender, sexuality, race or religion. So why do we accept politicians and ..." 17/02/2017 9:49:32 AM
"In the time Spain was without a government it's economy improved dramatically, could we give it a go?" 17/02/2017 9:12:17 AM
"So our politicians are upset about losing their gold passes, what about the 300,000 Australian retirees who lost their pensions this year? Who was the Queensland politician complaining he had to pay for his own meals? If our politicians can ..." 17/02/2017 9:05:31 AM
"I am the carer of an NDIS recipient in the Newcastle area. Lucky as part of the trial area. How is the govt - any one - going to sustain it? How do people in regional areas once they have ..." 16/02/2017 9:59:31 PM
"My question is for the entire panel, but especially for Mr. Julian Burnside. I have several new friends who remain at MITA in nearby Broadmeadows. They have been brought from Naura for special attention and now await answers to what ..." 16/02/2017 4:29:52 PM
"It really does not matter if you are a climate change sceptic or one who accepts scientific data, as a unilateral effort by Australia's 24m people will have no impact on global pollution. The time to act was back in ..." 16/02/2017 3:03:36 PM
"Does your government think that jobs aren't in the renewable energy? So what is your argument that jobs aren't being created every day in this area?" 16/02/2017 2:36:03 PM
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