Fairfax Media Network

Snow & Ski Weather

Mt Hotham
mostly sunny
Shading indicates areas above forecast snow level
Monday's snow level is 1700m
Snow forecast down to: 1700m
Chance of precip.: 80 Visibility: Improving
Likely snow: <2cm Wind: Fresh NW

Snow Resort Cams - Weather now

Alpine forecast

The Australian resort snow season is officially over. Weatherzone snow forecast commentary will recommence just prior to the 2017 snow season. The displayed forecast is not quality controlled and should be used as a guide only.

  Weather Prob. of precip Likely snow Snow level Wind Visibility  
Feb 20
Showers, snow on peaks clearing 80% <2cm 1700 Fresh NW Improving snow forecast chart
Feb 21
Sunny 0% Nil NE to NW Excellent snow forecast chart
Feb 22
Mostly sunny 0% Nil Fresh N Excellent snow forecast chart
Feb 23
Sunny 0% Nil Fresh N/NW Excellent snow forecast chart
Feb 24
Dry apart from showers far east 20% Nil SE to SW Excellent snow forecast chart
Feb 25
Dry apart from showers far east 20% Nil Fresh SE Excellent snow forecast chart
Feb 26
Dry apart from showers far east 30% Nil SE to SW Excellent snow forecast chart
Feb 27
Partly cloudy. Possible shower 40% Nil NW to SE Excellent snow forecast chart
Feb 28
Partly cloudy. Possible shower 50% Nil Fresh NE/NW Fair snow forecast chart
Mar 01
Partly cloudy. Showers 80% Nil Fresh NE/NW Good snow forecast chart
Mar 02
Partly cloudy. Rain at times 80% Nil Fresh N to SW Fair snow forecast chart
Mar 03
Partly cloudy. Possible shower 80% Nil Fresh N to W Good snow forecast chart
Mar 04
Partly cloudy. Possible shower 70% Nil Fresh SE to NW Good snow forecast chart

Now Temperature

At Darwin Ap

08:10 CST

This morning




Mostly sunny


Weather News

BOM warns cyclone expected to form from tropical low over Gulf of Carpentaria

09:03 EDT

There is a high chance a tropical low that has been threatening for days to intensify into a cyclone in the Gulf of Carpentaria will finally do so today, the Bureau of Meteorology has said.

NSW emergency service cranks up campaign to stop people driving into floodwater

08:44 EDT

Emergency services are frustrated by people making bad decisions when faced with floodwater, as recent studies on flood deaths show young men and children are the most at-risk of dying.

NSW weather: Storm hits Hunter and Central Coast, BOM predicts heavy rainfall and winds

00:06 EDT

Severe thunderstorms that ravaged the Hunter region and the Central Coast of New South Wales are over, the Bureau of Meteorology says, but Ausgrid and SES volunteers are still working to repair the damage.