SA power: Blackouts from load shedding may reoccur, Australian Energy Market Operator says

Updated February 16, 2017 10:22:33

The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has said it cannot give a guarantee that it will not order load shedding, of the kind that left 90,000 properties without power during a recent heatwave in South Australia, again.

The admission came after the market operator released its official report yesterday stating electricity load shedding in the state last week was three times the level ordered, effectively resulting in an extra 60,000 properties being left without power than ordered.

Load shedding occurs when the AEMO directs power companies to start switching off customers' power supply because the power system is at risk.

Customers in SA were without supply on Wednesday last week for up to 40 minutes in the evening, after a day of extreme temperatures when power demand outstripped power supply.

At the time of the load shedding request, the Heywood and Murraylink interconnectors between South Australia and Victoria were importing more power to SA than was allowed under operating limits.

Power distributor SA Power Networks has said its automated load shedding software failed to work correctly.

Power system 'developed for a different century'

AEMO executive general manager of stakeholders and information Joe Adamo said the operator did not "want to get into a blame game".

"There is never, ever a good time or any time for the lights not to be on — whether it is for four minutes or 40 minutes. Loading shedding is the absolute last resort," Mr Adamo said.

He said the system was complex and needed to evolve to improve "managing forecasting and managing the complexity of intermittent generation".

"We all need to work together to try to develop what is an evolution of a power system that was developed for a different century," he said.

"I'm certainty not going to be saying we can give guarantees that this won't happen again."

He said the closure of Victoria's Hazelwood Power Station would pose further risks for South Australia and Victoria.

"Victoria will have even reduced reserves and you know, we have a heatwave in Victoria and South Australia at the same time, and it will be quite challenging."

SA Power Networks spokesman Paul Roberts said software failed during the load shedding process and checks had been put in place should a load shedding request be received in the near future.

He also said the software was being examined.

"We understand people wouldn't want to be shed unless it is really necessary thing," Mr Roberts said.

Entire mechanism broken: Koutsantonis

An energy expert from Frontier Economics Danny Price said Australia's electricity grid was deteriorating into a third-world system.

He said the debate around renewables and the energy grid had become toxic, despite the fact the Commonwealth helped fund most of South Australia's wind farms.

Mr Price said current technology had not been able to support the increasing share of renewable energy in the system.

"Under the Paris Agreement we have to be in the electricity sector, net zero emissions. So we've got a challenge to meet, and that challenge was given to us by the Coalition Government who signed the Paris Agreement," Mr Price said.

SA Treasurer Tom Koutsantonis said AEMO needed to be reformed and questioned why New South Wales got 36 hours notice of load shedding while SA had no prior warning.

He also continued to questioned why generation was not turned on in the state.

"Why is it cheaper to generator electricity thousands, hundreds of kilometres away and transport it hundreds of kilometres rather than turn on generation that is right here in South Australia," Mr Koutsantonis said.

"The entire mechanism of the way we dispatch is broken."

Topics: government-and-politics, electricity-energy-and-utilities, states-and-territories, adelaide-5000, sa, vic

First posted February 16, 2017 09:06:45