The Bellwether Contests

It seems impossible to cover an election without referring to bellwether seats, the small number of electorates that unerringly elect members to the government benches.

On election night bellwethers are of only limited use. Except at landslides, bellwethers tend to be the seats that take longest to decide. It is normally possible to call the overall election winner before you can call some of the bellwethers.

That electorates are bellwethers is often a matter of coincidence rather than any intrinsic characteristic of the electorate or its voters.

As an example, for six decades the NSW federal seat of Macarthur has had a remarkable record if being won by the government of the day. This is despite regular and radical re-drawing of the seat's boundaries by redistributions. On more stable boundaries, the seat of Eden-Monaro has a similar record, going with the government at every election from 1972 to 2013. Eden-Monaro broke its sequence in 2016 when won by Labor on the re-election of the Turnbull government.

At Western Australian elections, the seat of Bunbury was the state's oft cited bellwether electorate until it elected an opposition member in 2005.

For the 2017 election I have identified five electorates worth watching as bellwethers. Four are in Perth's outer suburbs, Wanneroo, Swan Hills, Joondalup and Southern River. The fifth is Bunbury, which having broken its pattern in 2005, could return to bellwether status in 2017.

As a comparison I've added two other regional seats. Geraldton has a record of going with government, but the expansion of the electorate's boundaries in 2008 make it less likely to be a bellwether in the future.

Albany underwent the same expansion in 2008 and does not have a record of being a bellwether, but has been included in this list to show the impact that sitting members can have in regional seats.


Wanneroo was first contested at the 1989 election, a new seat on Perth's northern fringe created to replace the abolished seat of Jondalup. The electorate has been confined to suburbs east of Lake Joondalup and Wanneroo Road since 2008, but previously extended west to the Indian Ocean as shown in the map below. When first created in 1989, Wanneroo included suburbs that now form the seats of Butler, Burns Beach and Joondalup. The contraction of Wanneroo is an indication of the growth and northward creep of Perth's outer suburbs.

At every election since its first contest, Wanneroo has elected a member of the party forming government after the election.

Former Members

  • 1989-1993 - Jackie Watkins (Labor) - defeated 1993, represented Joondalup 1983-89
  • 1993-1996 - Wayde Smith (Liberal) - did not contest 1996 election (denied pre-selection)
  • 1996-2001 - Iain MacLean (Liberal) - defeated 2001
  • 2001-2008 - Dianne Guise (Labor) - defeated 2008
  • 2008-2017 - Paul Miles (Liberal)

While the boundaries of Wanneroo have changed, it has continued to be dominated by suburbs with new housing estates. The graph below compares the Labor two-party preferred vote in Wanneroo against the rest of the state. It shows that Wanneroo has a pattern of being Labor leaning compared to the rest of the state.

The one variation from this pattern was the 2013 election. Wanneroo recorded a 10.2% swing to the Liberal Party, twice the state wide swing. This swing is best explained by 2013 election campaign effects. Labor had lost Wanneroo at the 2008 election to the Liberal Party's Paul Miles. In 2013 Miles benefited from 'sophomore surge', a common increase in vote recorded by first term MPs compared to overall state swing.

The Wanneroo swing to the Liberal Party in 2013 was also amplified by Labor concentrating resources on its own seats under threat elsewhere in Perth.

With Labor putting more effort into Perth's northern suburbs in 2017, Wanneroo should record an above average swing to Labor, restoring the seat to its normal position of being stronger for Labor than the state average. On that basis, if Labor achieves close to the state-wide swing needed to achieve office, then Wanneroo should be one of the seats gained by Labor.

Conversely, if Paul Miles holds Wanneroo, there is a good chance that the Barnett government will be re-elected. Either way, odds are Wanneroo will remain a bellwether electorate.

Swan Hills

Swan Hills was first contested at the 1989 state election, and at every election since has elected a member to the government benches. It changed party with changes of government in 1993, 2001 and 2008. With its current margin of only 3.7%, it is a seat that has a strong chance of being won by Labor even if the Barnett government is re-elected.

Former Members

  • 1989-1993 - Gavan Troy (Labor) - retired 1993
  • 1993-2001 - June van de Klashorst (Liberal) - defeated 2001
  • 2001-2008 - Jaye Radisich (Labor) - did not contest 2008 election
  • 2008-2017 - Frank Alban (Liberal)

The map below shows that Swan Hills has occupied the north-east corner of the Perth metropolitan area for three decades. However, the geographic centre of the electorate is largely bushland. The political complexion of the electorate is determined by which combination of suburbs to the south and west are included within the boundaries of Swan Hills. The seat was stronger for Labor in 1989 and 1993 when its boundaries included most of Midland.

The population has traditionally been divided between the Darling Range suburbs along the Great Eastern Highway, and the areas of the upper Swan Valley along the Great Northern Highway. That balance between the two areas has changed in recent years with the growth of Ellenbrook in the Swan Valley. The most recent redistribution has removed most of the Darling Range suburbs, and the Swan Hills to be contested in 2017 is dominated by Ellenbrook and surrounding suburbs, re-united after being divided with West Swan in 2013.

As the graph below shows, since 2001 the two-party preferred result in Swan Hills has stuck closely to the state trend. As the final entry shows, the most recent redistribution has strengthened Swan Hills for Labor. Even if Labor falls short of winning the election, Swan Hills may still be a Labor gain.



Joondalup was first contested in 1983, though it was replaced by Wanneroo for the 1989 and 1993 elections. Continued population growth saw Joondalup re-created for the 1996 election, carved out of the well over-quota Wanneroo. Joondalup has now been contested at seven elections, and as shown below, has been won by a governing party at six, the odd election out being 2008 when it was retained by Labor's Tony O'Gorman.

Former Members

  • 1983-1989 - Jackie Watkins (Labor) - seat abolished 1989
  • 1996-2001 - Chris Baker (Liberal) - defeated 2001
  • 2001-2013 - Tony O'Gorman (Labor) - defeated 2008
  • 2013-2017 - Jan Norberger (Liberal)

The map shows that Joondalup has always been based on the Joondalup town centre, but which suburbs to the west and south are also included has varied from election to election.

The final entry in the graph below for 2013 shows that the redistribution has tilted the boundaries of Joondalup in the Liberal Party's favour. However, Labor was defending Joondalup in 2013 and the swing against Labor was 7.8%. The new Joondalup includes many suburbs from the abolished seat of Ocean Reef where Labor mounted a much smaller campaign and the seat recorded a 16.3% swing against Labor, the largest in the state.

As with Wanneroo and Southern River, the size of the local swing in 2013 looks to have inflated Joondalup's margin. Joondalup's inflated margin of 10.4% puts it in that range of seats that are likely to go with government in 2017.

Southern River

Southern River was a new seat created by the redistribution ahead of the 1996 election, and at every election since it has returned a member to the government benches. On its new boundaries, Southern River has a margin of 10.9%, only slightly above the uniform swing needed for Labor to win the election.

Former Members

  • 1996-2001 - Monica Holmes (Liberal) - defeated 2001
  • 2001-2008 - Paul Andrews (Labor) - defeated 2008
  • 2008-2017 - Peter Abetz (Liberal)

The gaps in the Southern River line in the graph below indicate that boundary changes have impacted on the political complexion of the seat. When the boundaries include more of the older housing estates in Gosnells and Thornlie, the Labor vote is stronger. The more of the new housing estates in Canning Vale that are included, the stronger the Liberal vote.

The most recent redistribution has pushed Southern River back towards Gosnells, improving Labor's position as shown in the graph below. It still leaves Southern River as a more Liberal leaning electorate. However, as with Ocean Reef, Southern River was a Liberal held seat in 2013 and saw a less intense Labor campaign. Taking that into account, the Liberal margin in Southern River may be inflated, and there is a strong chance that Southern River will be a bellwether of which party will form government after the election.


As the boxes below show, since 1974 Bunbury has been won by a governing party at every election, with the single exception of the 2005 election when Liberal John Castrilli won the seat on the re-election of the Gallop Labor government.

Former Members

  • 1989-1993 - Phil Smith (Labor) - defeated 1993
  • 1993-2001 - Ian Osborne (Liberal) - defeated 2001
  • 2001-2005 - Tony Dean (Labor) - defeated 2005
  • 2005-2017 - John Castrilli (Liberal) - not contesting election

The maps below illustrate the major changes to the boundaries that took place on the introduction of one-vote one-value boundaries at the 2008 election. Where Bunbury had been the central of two Bunbury based seats for more than two decades, in 2008 it expanded to take in all of the Bunbury City Council area.

The election of John Castrilli in 2005 and Labor's concentration of campaign resources elsewhere at the 2008 election is clearly shown in the graph below by the widening gap between the two-party preferred results for Bunbury and Western Australia. That gap narrowed in 2013, and with Castrilli retiring at the 2017 election, the gap could narrow further. If Labor wins the 2017 election, there is a chance it could win Bunbury, enhancing the seat's bellwether status.


Geraldton was a Labor bastion through most of its history, but since 1983 the seat has become a bellwether. Only one election since 1983 has resulted in the sitting member for Geraldton occupying an opposition bench. That exception was after the Liberal victory at the 1991 by-election, brought on by the resignation of Labor's Jeff Carr.

Former Members

  • 1974-1991 - Jeff Carr (Labor) - resigned causing 1991 by-election
  • 1991-2001 - Bob Bloffwitch (Liberal) - defeated 2001
  • 2001-2008 - Shane Hill (Labor) - defeated 2008
  • 2008-2017 - Ian Blayney (Liberal)

At both the 1991 by-election, and at the 2013 general election, Labor slipped to third place in Geraldton. This has coincided with the rise of the National Party in the state's north. As the map below shows, one-vote one-value electoral boundaries had a dramatic impact on the size and voting patterns of Geraldton. Instead of covering only central Geraldton, the new boundaries used since 2008 have included the city's outer suburbs and surrounding rural areas that were previously part of the National seat of Greenough.

The victory of Labor's Shane Hill at the 2001 election was a surprise and owed something to Liberal MP Bob Bloffwitch's failure to declare his investment in the Oakajee port project. The Labor first preference vote was 26.8%, Liberal 24.5% and One Nation 21.0%, Hill more than doubling his vote after preferences to win. Hill was re-elected in 2005 but could not overcome the 6% shift to the Liberals caused by the one-vote one-value redistribution ahead of the 2008 election.

With One Nation back contesting WA elections, there could again be a fragmentation of the first preference vote in Geraldton. However, the expanded boundaries make it much harder for Labor to win Geraldton, which counts against the seat being a bellwether in the future.


When Labor lost Albany at the 1974 election, the seat looked to have forever left the Labor fold. That was until 2001, when a series of campaign issues combined with the emergence of One Nation to defeat Liberal MP Kevin Prince and deliver an unexpected victory to Labor's Peter Watson. His 15.6% swing was the largest to Labor at the 2001 election.

Former Members

  • 1974-1993 - Leon Watt (Liberal) - retired 1993
  • 1993-2001 - Kevin Prince (Liberal) - defeated 2001
  • 2001-2017 - Peter Watson (Labor)

The Watson surge in 2001 is clear from the graph below, Labor recording a better two-party preferred result in Albany than it did in Western Australia as a whole.

As the map below shows, the introduction of one-vote one-value electoral boundaries for the 2008 election should have defeated Peter Watson. The formerly small urban electorate of Albany was expanded to include all of the City of Albany local government area.

What has happened since is shown clearly in the graph. As the black line dips to show a swing to the Liberal Party across the state, the yellow line rises, indicating a swing to Labor in Albany. As Labor lost government in 2008, Peter Watson overcame the redistribution to win Albany for a third time. As the swing to the Liberal Party in 2013 condemned Labor to a second term in opposition, Peter Watson again increased his majority.

So Albany is definitely not a bellwether seat, though if Labor wins the 2017 election, Peter Watson will find himself back on government benches. What the graph below shows is that sometimes regional seats can completely buck the state-wide trend, especially when the seat has a popular local member.